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I am from the Fort Collins Prison Visitation group. (Or whatever name we choose). Are you (state their name)? It is nice to meet you. State parameters: Let me tell you a little bit about our group. We can offer to come visit you, take messages to your family, and bring messages, clothes or money back from your family. (These are just a few of the things we ve talked about. We may or may not decide to do these things, but you get the idea.) I want to be really clear that I am not a lawyer and so I can not give you legal advice. (Do we want to say something here to warn the person that the visit conversations are probably taped?) We are new at this, so I may not always know how things work in the prison system, but I can try to find out. I d like to help out in any way I can. Do you have any questions? (This may be a good point to share something about yourself, such as why you are interested in doing this work or are interested in visiting this person.) Main conversation: How are you doing today? Or What s going on? (Try to keep asking open ended questions to let them lead the conversation. Remember to use the active listening skills.) Wrap up: (Prioritize with the person what needs to happen next- set up another visit, talk to their family, etc. If you are planning to bring money or clothes back for them remind them to put in a  kite for that item.) " !<>fhFHВД┤╢┌▄,.▓┤рт  T V | ~ ┌ ▄ ╥ ╘ ш ъ Ъ Ь Ю °°ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ╠╠(2В"'(К а█)█ @╖S ╖fiedUITrueHPPosterPrintingOptionSUIFalseHPPhotoFixOFFHPScaleToPaperFalsepIUPHdLetterъ o             [none] [none]Arial4P└└└└└└dА?EMILY<Automatic>44dMicrosoftо Works Word ProcessorNone    wkswp.exeC:\Program Files\Microsoft Works\wkswp.exeIPACDRWDSGATCAPI;лFЗ4шEБ╘▀8Q;KiЪ▌Е&°EЙ%ъ9кx╚/winspoolHP Officejet Pro L7500 SeriesOfficejetProL7500F   "d5 "АС"Ё╩]"$c"Ё` "Ё``""A."@   "d5 "Ё∙"Ё╩]"$c"Ё` "Ё``"."Visitation Cheat Sheet.wps (" ersation: How are you doing today? Or What s going on? (Try to keep asking open ended questions to let them lead the conversation. Remember to use the active listening skills.) Wrap up: (Prioritize■      ▓Zд Ю╤д└O╣2║Quill96 Story Group Class    Ї9▓qyyy