Personnal proposition for the 2011 camp NDDL (Notre Dame Des Landes) proposition has been hold by around 50 people, the integrality of the participants of Dijon meeting, which make it supported. NDDL friends and people from french speaking RTF meeting in Dijon, don't conceive this camp as a solidarity action (this is always a way to put some distance between « they » and « us »). More than the local struggle context, it is a possibility to clear together (literally and figurately) and to create a possible sustainable collective farm, on occupied lands. This will make the camp motivating and with some perspectives. I can't see how to say the friends, who are going to have a meeting in NDDL in february, that we decide to not make the camp there. For me, Romania is a good proposal, but in 2 years; with a real preparation on our side, in order to avoid soilless solidarity. The project proposed in Austrian meeting, to organize a caravan tour, is, according to me a minimum. To come, to meet and to share with people as in Rosa Montana. But to establish the first contact in urgency with the preliminary idea of a camp, seems to distort the relation and reinforce the local hierarchy (we have a yes, but from who? from a responsible? from the village?). Currently, we would have a solidarity camp with a local struggle, and not like it happened in Hungary, a Reclaim the Fields group which is organizing it. I'm personaly afraid, as much as with the Hungarian proposition (they proposed to organize the european camp the year after Cravirola), to be surrounded by a majority of western european people, speaking no romanian and having a neaorural anticapitalist speech, in the rural romanian society, which would appeared to me as a gap and a failure; soilless and without fertile exchanges. The camp in Romania/for eastern european country must be in priority for romanian and eastern european people, and for now we don't have many contacts. To get those contacts, it's possible to ask for some more money to the Leopold Mayer fondation, in order to pay for a translation, in differents eastern country languages, of the next gathering call and of an article making the link with the future prohibition of foreign land grabing . We could have the possibility to defray travelling costs of 50 people (with translation on the place) for whom would demand. This and the caravan tour, appears to me importants preliminary steps for a camp in the eastern Europe. Moreover, a reflexion on our egocentral european vision (considering us as the center of the world), on our vision of agriculture,and of West/East relations (big industrials farms are moving there, like Bretagne's pigs in Ukraine) would be useful. In my view, there is a different sensibility in the East, belonging to their history(ies); in order to refer to our hungarians friends, to their camp experience, their small movie, it appears to me as a realistic way to enter in contact with others eastern people. These are various arguments, there is a strong will to make it in France, and I don't know if many people are motivated for the camp in Romania or if it is only a choice for another. Possibles problems in the East have not been consider calmly neither collectively and it seems to me a mistake to go there in urgency, without any contact involved in our process. Therefore I propose that we choose the NDDL camp proposition, not because of nationalism but because of political bases. I feel the legend 'Cravirola camp has created the french network' a bit to beautiful, there were already (and there still is) in France a rural and urban alternative network, whereas I didn't find any equivalent in Europe. What have been possible in Cravirola will not be transposable all over Europe, we can try but we should be careful to the realities. Reminder: there was only on person from eastern european country during the austrian meeting and few of them during the german one. Obviously I hope to mistake on each points and that we will be able to take together a reasonable risk. That it will activate reactions and constructive debates.