Message security is the practice of encrypting messages on your device so that they can be read only by the intended recipient. Although network security and device security are important, this kind of message encryption is necessary in many situations:

Practicing message encryption, however, can be a challenge:

Obviously, these guarantees of security don’t apply if your device has been compromised.

Concepts in Message Encryption

What these help pages call “message encryption” is technically called “public-key cryptography”. Here is how it works:

Tips for Learning Message Encryption

Although it provides the highest level of security, public-key encryption is still an adventure to use. To make your journey less scary, we suggest you keep these things in mind:

Limitations of Message Encryption

Although you can hide the contents of email with public-key encryption, it does not hide who you are sending mail to and receiving mail from. This means that even with public key encryption there is a lot of personal information which is not secure.

Why? Imagine that someone knew nothing of the content of your mail correspondence, but they knew who you sent mail to and received mail from and they knew how often and what the subject line was. This information can provide a picture of your associations, habits, contacts, interests and activities.

The only way to keep your list of associations private is to to use a service provider which will establish a secure connection with other service providers. See our directory of radical servers for a list of such providers.

Email Encryption with PGP

The universal standard for public-key encryption is Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and GNU Privacy Guard (GPG). GPG is Free Software, while PGP is a proprietary product (although there are many freeware versions available). Both work interchangeably and are available as convenient add-ons to mail clients for Linux, Mac, and Windows.

For information configuring your mail client to use public key encryption, see our mail client tutorial pages. In particular, see the tutorials for Apple Mail and Thunderbird. Otherwise, you should refer the to documentation which comes with your particular mail client.

For more information about encrypted email, check out our encrypted email FAQ.

Instant Message Encryption with OTR

Off The Record (OTR) is a way to send and receive secure instant messages.

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