Questions and thoughts

Create People Power Strategy Website

I have yet to find a good website that provides information on directly democratic pre-figurative politics in an easily digestible format that isnt about one campaign. This site would build off the idea of the seattle website david is working on, but expand it to the strategy level.

The site

Create People Power Network using Crabgrass

Jump Start PPS Culture

UFPJ People Power Strategy Proposal Cliff Notes

What if we had agreed on a long-term strategy that would place our direct action, our education, grassroots organizing, and demonstrations into a longer term people power strategic framework? We could then pick our tactics and campaigns based on a shared understanding that we were not just trying to have our voices heard and influence those in power, but we were actually asserting our own power and withdrawing the sources of power or pillars of support for the war and occupation of Iraq and empire building policies.

A People Power Strategic Framework identifies key pillars supporting the war and occupation and wages a determined campaigns to weaken and eventually remove those pillars.


1) Movement Building: Adopt and Promote a People-Power Strategy to Shut Down the War and Occupation of Iraq within UFPJ, the anti-war movement, and allied movements.

2) Campaigns: Support and Coordinate Campaigns Around the following Key Pillars of War and Occupation at the local, regional and national levels.

Develop campaigns in the following areas:

Run campaigns targeting the following types of companies:

To confront the media, we must track it, target it, and support alternative sources.

Organizational and structural implications for UfPJ: