Following the common meaning a bank run happens when more people try to get their saved money from the bank in a short time, than the bank has in cash. What if over time more and more people take their money to keep it in cash (with limited gain because of inflation) or invest it in people owned infrastructure or production facilities to serve people’s needs? The total amount of real money will shrink (derivatives though will grow as usual) and bank’s saldos become negative. New debts are produced (what happens anyway) and the value of currencies decreases.

For the time being bank have the trust of the many people. If this changes, also trust in currencies will vanish. The loosers are those, who will stay with the banks. Banks are state infrastructure and will persist even without people’s money, as long as consume industries flourish. When their products fill up in stocks, economy stagnates. As global economies depend on daily cash to produce just in time, chaos is expected to be enormous as soon as these circles break. Unprepared people will suffer a lot: no loans, empty supermarkets, mass bankrupts and the crash of national economies including their banks. That’s an old story already.

The last crash of europe economy has been caught by irresponsible promises for future growth. The US struggled lately and the current general economic picture is not positive, except the weapon’s industry. Military depots are filled already and if economies collapse the usual reaction of politicians is to start wars to rob new resources.

2013 had more than 90 conflicts, partly neverending dirty wars by US covert commandos. Interventions usually are about resources, not about their humanitarian pretext, but this kind of secret wars are worse as their only outcome is (religious) hate against the US that fuel future ‘terrorism’.

The question is: What can we do to unfund these governments and use the money for good instead like the development of participatory economics as IOPS. Apart from that the claims to stop wars, shutdown secret agencies and exit from NATO as aggressive treaty of corporatism, including gladio operations.