see ready and layoutet

Green explosions … how to make „seed bombs“ …

also have a look at Sanis nice drawings (attachments)

What is a seed bomb?

Seed bombs (/seed balls) are little clay&compost balls of about 2-3 cm diameter, which contain seeds of any kinds of plants. The use of seed bombs is an ancient technique of distributing seeds, that was reintroduced by Masanobu Fukuoka, a pioneer of natural farming/permaculture. The term „seed bomb“ originates in the use of that technique in „guerrilla gardening“ (regreening cities/urban grounds).
They are so easy to throw over fences of old industrial parks … ;-)

What are seed bombs good for?

Using seed bombs, you will need less seeds, as your seeds are more probable to sprout and grow: they are protected from seed eaters like birds, wind can’t carry them away and the sun doesn’t dry them out. Moreover they bring their own, rich soil with them, so the technique is perfect to reclaim derelict grounds, like regreening city spaces with bad soil, or for use in dry areas, even deserts.
Plants which are planted by seed bombing usually get a bit smaller, but stronger, with a higher yield.

How do i make seed bombs?

I found different recipes in the internet. But the basic recipe is red clay (like potters use), compost and seeds. Some recipes say 1 part seeds for 1 part compost for one part clay 1:1:1 , others say 1 part seeds for 3 parts compost for 5 parts clay 1:3:5 . I guess you’ll have to experiment a bit to find the perfect mixture, depending on the kind of seed also.
So, take the seeds and mix them with dry compost. Then add the clay and mix again.
Spray a bit of water on it, just enouph to hold the balls together without crumbling.
Form the balls and let them dry. You can plant them on any day, in sunshiny weather if you like. Just drop them on the earth, you don’t have to dig holes etc.The balls will protect the seeds until the next rainfall …

Depending on the kind of seeds, they will need special temperature, humidity, etc to sprout.
So if it doesn’t work well the first time, keep trying. Some people mix in spores of special mushrooms into some kinds of seed balls, as they have symbioses with them. As for all permacultural methods: be creative! And if you are not creative enough: Go, ask your kids, they love to make seed balls, too!