The Famous-Name Doppelgänger Project

…is just that: people with famous names! Here are just a few that I know of:

Alicia Key
Amanda Moore
Andrew Jackson
April O’Neal
Cameron Diaz (a dude)
Chris Martin
Clark Kent
Dave Schappell
David Blaine (a chef)
Emily Bratkovich
Emma Thomson
George Bailey
Grace Kelly
J Lo (but the whole thing)
Jane Austin
Jayme Brown
Jon Favreau
Katy Perry
Lauren Hill
LeAnn Rhymes
Leslie Snipes (so good!)
Mark Anthoney
Matthew Broderick
Michael Jackson
Michael Jordan
Michael Moore
Michael Seiwerath (I swear it was pronounced “Cera”)
Mike Tyson
Nick Carter
Patrick Ewing
Phil Collins
Phil Hartman
Robert (Sarizin) Blake
Robert Smith
Steve Miller
Steven Merritt (at the UPS Store)
Steven Wright
Vanessa Williams
Will Smith
William Burroughs