Other Media

If you spot something not written by yourself, but that you feel is worth reading and relevant to activities currently underway, the place to publish these is in the other media section as opposed to publish page that you would use for articles. These will show up in their own newswire and can often provide a great source of information for further reading. These don’t have to be from a commercial news source, they can be from personal blogs of others, other alternative news sources or anywhere else you might find some news you wish to share.

To publish a link to other media, click on the publish button, then “Link to other media” and fill in the URL (including the http:// bit) and a short description of what can be found there.

Start a group

Registered users can create a group. Groups are listed in the “groups” section with a short description of who they are and what they do, and have their own page listing all their articles, events and media. This can be useful for both small groups and big campaigns. Any member of the group can publish content as part of that group and add or delete other members. Think of it like a blog, but better!

The content of these Groups pages is entirely up for the group’s members.

To start a group, click on the “Groups” link on the top navigation bar, under the site banner. When there you will find a box on the right hand side of the page which gives the link to set up a new group. You must be logged in to set up a group.