Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted. Most nouns in English are countable.


I have two dogs. Jean has three cars. Jessie has ten dollars.


Uncountable nouns are not counted in English. Generally, we do not use plural forms of these words; alcuni uncoutable nouns finiscono per s Non fate confusione!


Mack drinks a lot of water. Cindy gives great advice. Paul enjoys politics. Ends with “s” but uncountable

Uncountable nouns by categories:

Liquids and Gases

water coffee milk air oxygen

Solid and Granular Substances

wood metal cheese sand rice

Energy Words and Forces

electricity sunshine radiation heat magnetism


French chemistry economics science math

Grouped Concepts

fruit money food vocabulary news

Information and Abstract Concepts

information advice education democracy intelligence

Uncountable Plurals

Sometimes in English, we do use uncountable nouns in plural forms. This is most commonly done with liquids and substances. It usually takes on the meaning of “cups of”, “bottles of” or “types of”.
Qualche volta in inglese si usano gli uncountable nouns con la forma plurale. Si usa in particolare con i liquidi e sostanze. Di solito si sottintende tazze di caffe, …

We’ll have two coffees. Cups of coffee I bought three waters. Bottles of water The company produces two leathers. Types of leather

Different Meanings/significati diversi

There are certain words which have multiple meanings. It is possible for one meaning to be countable and the other to be uncountable.
Ci sono certe parole che hanno più significati. E’ possibile che il nome con un determinato significato sia countable e lo stesso nome con un significato diverso sia uncontable

Example the word “light”:

I couldn’t see anything because there was no light. Uncountable noun The first use of “light” is a form of energy.

The Christmas tree was covered with hundreds of lights. Countable noun
The second use of “light” means “small light bulbs/lampadine”, which are normal countable objects.
We cannot “count” them. For example, we can not count “milk”.
We can count “bottles of milk” or “litres of milk”, but we cannot count “milk” itself/per se stesso:

music, art, love, happiness
advice/condiglio, information, news
furniture/mobilio, luggage/bagaglo,
rice, sugar, butter, water
electricity, gas, power
money, currency/denaro, valuta.


We usually treat/consideriamo uncountable nouns as/come singular

We use a singular verb.

For example:

This news is very important. Your luggage looks heavy.

We do not usually use the indefinite article a/an with uncountable nouns. We cannot say “an information” or “a music”. But we can say a “something” of:

a piece of news a bottle of water a grain of rice

We can use some and any with uncountable nouns:

I’ve got some money. Have you got any rice?

We can use a little and much with uncountable nouns:

I’ve got a little money. I haven’t got much rice.

Uncountable nouns are also called “mass nouns”.

ulteriori esempi/ more examples :

Countable – Uncountable
dollar – money
song – music
suitcase – luggage
table – furniture
battery – electricity
bottle – wine
report – information
tip – advice
journey – travel
job – work
view – scenery


250 uncountable nouns


Uncountable Nouns A-B

definition example sentence


Uncountable Nouns C-D

definition example sentence

Uncountable Nouns E-F

definition example sentence


Uncountable Nouns G-H

definition example sentence


Uncountable Nouns I-J

definition example sentence

h2. Uncountable Nouns K-L

definition example sentence


Uncountable Nouns M-N

definition example sentence

Uncountable Nouns O-P

definition example sentence

Uncountable Nouns Q-R

definition example sentence

Uncountable Nouns: S

definition example sentence


Uncountable Nouns T-V

definition example sentence

Uncountable Nouns W-Z

definition example sentence