Turning Point USA is a conservative organization that aims to build the conservative student movement on college campuses. As of fall 2018, there will be a chapter at UT, founded by Meghan Lovett with the help of Benjamin Larrabee. They bill themselves as your classic right-libertarians (with anti-big government, anti-communist, and “pro-liberty” themes). Dig a little deeper though, and you’ll find that under their nice polos and blazers are the Blackshirtsof the fascist right.
Turning Point USA enables fascist recruitment through dog-whistle politics and a clean, youth-focused image, training college students to support many of the key tenets of the alt-right and fascism. TPUSA denies being associated with the alt-right, yet their actions indicate otherwise. Significantly:

One can see their ideological political commitments demonstrated as well in their propaganda. Most notably:

Turning Point USA poses a danger to students and faculty on campus. Nationwide, they are notorious for putting together a “leftist” professor watchlist–a frightening attempt at attacking en masse critical thinkers and liberatory thought within higher education. This disproportionately targets professors who are women, LGBTQ+, or non-white, and at some campuses they have organized harassment campaigns against professors.

By mainstreaming and normalizing far-right ideals & figures and using the dog whistles of “free speech,” “anti-communism,” and “limited government,” TPUSA lays the ideological foundation for fascism and collaboration with fascism. Whether through attacks on “PC culture,” the perpetuate of hypermasculine rape culture, the pathologization of trans folks, the demonization of Islam, or the targetting of progressive academics, they materially enable the progression of fascist policies and organizing at local and national scales.

Known members: