
Campaign Updates

Tar Sands

Local campaigns

Community Outreach

Edinburgh camp



1. Edinburgh Update (for a more complete run-down see the national gathering minutes) We were treated to a run-down of national gathering goings on: Lots of discussion on political common ground, idea of forming a ten point statement of sorts for use by media and outreach working groups, but no consensus was reached. Discussion on how the mass action was to be organised, no consensus over having a single target. General agreement seems to be that any mass action would be organised by decentralised groups onsite. A defence proposal was discussed at length. Scottish feedback was welcomed and there was an agreement on Climate Camp linking up with Scottish Climate Camp for neighbourhoods.

2. Decisions we should think about before Edinburgh First to be decided and discussed at the next meeting on Monday is what capacity does TVCA want to attend, if at all – no decision has yet been made, but it is hoped that one can be reached on Monday. If TVCA does decide to attend then given the smaller format of this year’s climate camp, neighbourhoods are being asked to decide whether they want to provide a kitchen – or whether it would rather just a tea kitchen/firepit. It was decided that a decision on this couldn’t be reached until next week when the question of TVCA’s attendance, and the number of people attending with TVCA was discussed more thoroughly. However, we did discuss what having/not having a kitchen would mean: If we decide to take a kitchen with us we will be providing food for other neighbourhoods that did not have the capacity to set up their own – at the national gathering it was decided that there would probably only be about three kitchens on the main site. Various opinions were expressed on TVCA having a kitchen – firstly it was expressed that a kitchen and strong presence at national events provides a strong, exciting entry point for many new activists and this in turn helps to sustain local activism. In conclusion it was decided that a survey will come out later this week in order to get a clearer idea on what general opinion towards TVCA and Edinburgh was and also a vague idea of numbers attending, it was also decided that without this information the issues of transport and action (at Edinburgh) could not be discussed.

3. Skillshare (probable date 25th July) The idea has already been out on the general list – a skillshare similar to the one before the swoop, that can also act as an outreach event. This would include a general introduction to ‘why RBS?’ (using the national climate camp presentation from Glastonbury), meeting/re-meeting local active members, training, mass action game, general knowledge share, fun games and picnic. Publicity has not been done properly yet and if anyone wants to help/has any ideas on how to get this going quickstart then reply to this email. We were reminded that the last skillshare didn’t happen due to lack of numbers – and perhaps it would be better to avoid this situation again. It was also suggested that a notice go out on the national list calling for attendance from other neighbourhoods.

4. Last two months We had a go round on how people felt on the last two months – it was expressed several times that we should not dwell on the last two months, and that too much naval gazing has been the cause of the lull – we should be pleased that we are meeting again and start moving again now. Other points made: What happened to the restructuring of the meetings? Perhaps we were meeting too often, not having actions can lead to aimless meetings – however bi-weekly meetings didn’t work. Perhaps we were taking on too much and overstretching. The search for a regional campaign somewhat stalled – although the last meeting’s minutes are on crabgrass. Maybe next time we should bear in mind that it is far better to make a conscious decision not to meet rather than let meetings dwindle away. We should remain aware of the student cycle of exams and holidays, as being in Oxford this will undoubtedly affect numbers, attendance and energy. On a wider scale it was seen that the disillusionment felt by some after the Lewes national gathering might have been a partial cause. If we want to be a team, energy must be put into acting like one. BUT – most excitingly – all were pleased that we are now meeting again and looking to what next for TVCA.

5. Tarsands/BP garage In January we decided to have as an aim to make BP pull out of Tarsands by the end of the year. A new BP garage is opening on the Cowley road – possibility of an Oxford ‘Party at the Pumps’ (but NOT called ‘party’ – perhaps ‘Plug the Pumps’) See an upcoming email for more details on what ideas were had about this garage, and tapping into a wider anti-petrol station movement, also the recent actions on BP at the Tate. All this will be discussed more at next week’s meeting.

6. OARC To join OARC’s mailing list and be a part of helping with the space go to: TVCA and OARC’s relationship was discussed briefly – general points made were as follows: TVCA has a duty to OARC, five year anniversary was disappointing for all involved in organising it. Without OARC TVCA would struggle. It is no longer just about the finances – if TVCA is about system change not just climate change then perhaps OARC should be seen as part of that system change – it is a unique space in Oxford and we should try and find a way to respect it more – this could be by getting more involved in its running.

7. Next meeting: On Monday at 7pm in OARC. Discussions on: TVCA at Edinburgh, ’Plug the Pumps, TVCA and social media (also see comms working group on crabgrass) – have a think, have a read, come along ready to discuss, talk to others about coming along too.