Complementary virtues

Maybe helped by hope (as in “I don’t know this now, but I hope that I can learn it if I put in effort”)

Aided by tolerance of failure/ignorance: i.e. you have to be willing to admit ignorance in order to begin to learn knowledge; you have to be willing to fail at some new skill in order to practice enough to succeed at it. Confidence? Non-fragility? Perseverance?

Contrasting vices


Virtues possibly in tension


How to acquire or strengthen it

Notes and links

Intrinsic & extrinsic motivations: wanting to know, understand, etc. vs. wanting to be able to show off knowledge, know which horse to bet on, have classy cultural signals, etc.

“Gamifying” learning uses existing psychological motivators to help people learn useful things (e.g. not just arbitrary game mechanics/puzzles). E.g. Duolingo, etc.

Is this maybe an increasingly important virtue in that society is changing more rapidly and thoroughly now than in the past, so that you have to be willing to learn (e.g. new applications/interfaces/devices, new memes/language uses, new methods of social interaction) if you want to have any hope of keeping up. (Or is this a myth, and we’re in a paradoxical great stagnation in which things are actually changing more slowly than in e.g. our grandparents’ lifetimes.)

Possibly some people have to overcome traumas inflicted by institutional schooling that have infected the love of learning via a connection between learning & schooling. Maybe there’s a process for taking self-ownership of learning after the trauma of having school inflicted on one.

Mentioned elsewhere


Inspirational quotes