1. Investing in yourself
By investing in yourself and your knowledge, you increase your value in the market. However, there is one trick. By gaining only knowledge and not applying it in practice, you significantly reduce your potential value.

Maximum efficiency is achieved by those who receive knowledge and implement it. Invest in the knowledge you need at the moment to achieve your goals.

2. Investing in gold
Investing in gold is perhaps one of the most reliable investment instruments in the long term. If you look at the chart, gold rises in price in an unstable economic situation and falls – at a stable. Over the past 10 years, the price of gold has increased 6.8 times!

Gold reserves are limited, it increases its value. According to some analysts, gold may become a good alternative to paper money in the future.

3. Invest in emerging markets
Accurate recommendations in this regard are almost impossible to give, but if you traveled a lot, you would pay attention to how many restaurants, hotels are opened, new factories and factories are built, jobs are created. They say that in Brazil it is good to choose a place under the sun.

What good emerging markets are is because they are very risky for investments, but in the general mass they are more profitable. In emerging markets, it is ideal to invest a lot of money on large investment projects.

4. Investing in start-up projects
Today, investing money in innovative start-up projects is the most profitable solution for any investor. Investing in startups involves investing money in an excellent idea that will be implemented by the so-called “startup” team.

The essence of this investment is simple, a group of people, creates a creative and unusual idea of the project (for example, the Internet – service), which has no analogues, and therefore progressing out of competition. It is backed by sponsors for successful process, design, development and implementation.

In the future, with a developed project, which will bring its income, systematically part of the amount will be sent to the investor, the rest is the net income of the implementers. Internet business projects, today are not inferior to business projects in real life, and sometimes are able to bring much higher income, because they reduce multiple expenses (rent, staff availability, transportation, etc.).

Investing in a startup, you need to analyze in detail the activities of the future project, assess the prospects, relevance and interest of consumers and customers. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the uniqueness of the proposed idea, because the essence of investing in startups is exactly what.

5. Investments in Investment Companies
Investing in investment companies is essentially a trust. Investment companies can work with raised funds in different markets – Forex, mixed investments, venture capital, etc.

With this kind of investment is important careful pre-selection of companies, because on the Internet quite a lot, so to speak, scam, fakes. And not to get on the hook of an unscrupulous company – the task of a competent investor.

6. Real estate investment
If you have a large sum of money, then probably the first thing that comes to mind – is to buy a property, rent it out and steadily receive passive income. And when you consider that real estate, as a rule, from year to year is more expensive, after a while you can sell your property profitably. Thus, the income can be obtained: from renting out real estate and from resale of real estate.

If you do not have a large sum, the access to real estate investments will be closed for you. As an outlet, you can invest in real estate, but such PIFs have their own features.

Real estate means not only living space. It can also be a warehouse, office, commercial real estate, not only in our country, but also abroad. Many people who have this opportunity, buy apartments abroad, can go there to rest on vacation, or rent out for a while do not live.

7.Investments in PIFs
Investments in mutual funds, until recently remained the easiest to master and available to many ways of accumulating capital. And now they are still very attractive to investors.

There are both conservative and moderate and aggressive investment options. Investments in PIFs are long-term, and their profitability is highly dependent on the current economic situation.

Cons: extreme degree of inconvenience of purchasing units outside the cities of millionaires, long input and withdrawal of funds, dependence on the economy.

8. OFBU (General Banking Management Funds)
The general fund of banking management is the same bag of money as the PIF, only it is managed not by the management company, but by the bank. OFBU can be considered a competitor of PIF, among the general population of OFBU are less well-known than PIFs. Compared to mutual funds, OFBU funds can be invested in riskier assets such as futures and options (fixed market instruments). This gives the OFBU more flexibility, perhaps to get more profitability, but at the same time increases the likelihood of losing money as a result of risky transactions.

The disadvantages of OFBU are similar to PIFs, but the OFBU may use riskier investment schemes, which makes them more risky.

Investing in shares of enterprises is one of the most profitable forms of investment (as well as quite risky). The risk is to change the market value of the stock in an unfavorable way for you. That is, share prices can not only rise, but also fall. Stock market prices are subject to daily fluctuations. You buy shares with the calculation that in the future their price will rise and you will be able to sell shares at a higher price.

Only professional stock market participants are allowed to make transactions with shares. These organizations are called brokers and they must be licensed to do broker. The license is issued by the Federal Financial Market Service (FSFR). That is, activity on the stock market is regulated by laws.

To buy and sell shares yourself, you need to learn special knowledge, that is, be able to assess whether stock prices will go up or will fall down when to buy, when to sell and so on. You need to be aware of the events to react quickly to what is happening.

The minimum initial amount to be deposited into a brokerage account is tens of thousands of rubles. Some brokers (Alpha Bank, KIT Finance) do not have a minimum amount at all, some – tens of thousands of rubles.

Cons: you need to have special knowledge and monitor the market, to understand the topic.

10. Currency (US dollars, Euro)
After default in 1998 the US dollar gained particular popularity as a means of saving. People did not trust the ruble and kept their savings in dollars. Then it was possible to get a small income from the increase in the price of the US dollar.

Can currency be considered an investment tool? It is enough to look at the yield of the dollar and the euro for a few years to understand that there is no point in investing in the currency in order to increase capital. The yield of the dollar and the euro is even lower than the yield of bank deposits in rubles, and interest rates on bank deposits in the currency are lower than in rubles. You can also trade with Forex broker