Removing clogged sink with pump:
For twin sink pipes, place the lid of one of the sinks on it and close it completely.
If you want to create more adhesion between the pump and the sink, you can put some paraffin around the plastic edge of the part that sticks to the inlet of the sink drain.
One way to open a clogged sink is to use a manual pump and pipe opener. If you do not want to use chemicals, this is one of the simplest and most effective ways to remove clogged sinks.
Place the plastic part of the pipe opener on the well so that water cannot penetrate under the cap and pour some water into the sink. Push the opener handle firmly down. Repeat this several times to remove the clogged pipe.

Removing clogged sink with baking soda:
The magical combination of baking soda and white vinegar can save you from clogging the sink. To do this, pour three tablespoons of baking soda in the sink and then pour some vinegar on it. Be careful to use gloves at this stage and be sure to keep your face away.

Remove clogged sink with open pipe liquid:
If home remedies are not to your liking or they do not work, you can buy tube opener fluids from the store. Instructions for using the opening tube liquid are written on their glass. To use these liquids, you usually have to pour this liquid into the sink pipe when the sink is dry and there is no water in the pipes and wait for a quarter to half an hour. Then rinse the sink with plenty of hot water.

Remove clogged sink with bag:
One of the oldest methods of clogging the dishwasher is to use bag powder. You can get this powder from stores and supermarkets. The bag has high power in relieving clogged pipes. Of course, this will cause the pipes to rot if you use the bag constantly.

Remove clogged sink by opening the pipes under the sink:
If the above methods do not work, you can do it yourself. Pipe the pipes from where they are screwed. Garbage is usually trapped in the knee part of the pipe. By opening this part and washing it completely, you can remove the clogged pipe.

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