What is the average field engineer salary? Rather a difficult question to answer, as median pay varies greatly and depends on a number of factors, including the type of company and contract, education, years of experience, and additional certification. Approximately, the median salary is ca. $62,000 per annum, with the usual range from $50,508 to $89,000.

The above mentioned is an estimated field service engineer salary, disregarding the bonuses and profit sharing. These especially vary depending on the employer and years of experience in the field. Senior engineering positions generate generous bonuses, but that holds true for all professions.

Field engineers must have in-depth understanding of technological services their company provides, including installing, maintaining, and replacing the machines. They repair/replace the parts of the machinery as needed. Because of that, field engineers travel a lot to different locations – wherever their services are needed.

That is by no means their only role. Field engineers also design all necessary modifications in order to maximize efficiency and safety. Depending on their professional background, some engineers may also be in charge of verifying product prototypes, developing and implementing technology procedures, and examining products for any potential flaws.

Further out, field engineers provide technical support on project evaluation, design, installation, and maintenance. They analyze costs and the demand in order to come up with optimum project recommendations. Their professional guidance is welcome both by clients and staff when it comes to technical issues.

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