Smart hand services are geared to providing constant upkeep of your server and its associated data, serving issues both proactively and reactively depending on the needs of your managed IT provisions.

They can be contacted in a manner of moments and give immediate responses and can help firms avoid encountering downtime or other consequences from unexpected server issues. A smart hands technician is someone who attends the data center in shifts to make sure at least one team of professionals is on-site at all times.

They are not always specifically trained in certain technologies, but they have a general capability and immediate communication with thoroughly specialized technicians necessary to follow instructions and apply solutions where possible. They are on-site staff dedicated to ensuring your servers function correctly, quickly responding to problems as, when, or even before they occur.

This term refers to the technical support setup that allows technicians to quickly respond to problems within a data center site. They provide around-the-clock operational support worth relying on.

More info @ Managed Smart Hand Services