There are many websites offering an elo boost to League of Legends. However it is crucial to select the best service. There are many things to think about before giving your personal information to anyone and being sure that the boost you receive will be completed as you would expect. The following are the top three items to consider.

How well are boosters trained?
A lot of companies employ low-Diamond players in the belief that they will provide good service to all. Only players who are at minimum Diamond 1 or above will be able to guarantee a high win rate for every boost without any issue. That’s why we have a variety of requirements before a player can join our service, however he is also getting paid more for each order he makes. Not only does the player have to be around Master tier and above, but also to display a professional manner similar to any other work environment. For instance, observing every customer’s request and making them aware of how their order is progressing is a basic thing that is required. On average, they should not have any problem to boost around 1 division a day on orders less than Diamond. In case where you really need to learn extra information on LOL boosting, you have to browse website.

Is your account secure?
Making sure your account is secured during the elo boost is vital. On other websites, boosters are usually not using the VPN (Virtual Private Network) that has proven to be very effective from the start of elo-boosting. It makes the boost even more secretive for the game (you could also appear as offline) as it’s difficult to identify who is playing with the account. Outside of boosting services, you’ll seldom see someone who even knows that this trick exists.

The price of an elo booster is not always an indicator
Don’t be too dependent on the cost of League of Legends elo boost in order to determine if the service will be great or not. Each boost’s total price is divided between the booster and the company however, the earnings for the booster differs according to the services. Our service ensures that the boosters are getting a much more earnings compared to other websites, even though the cost for the customer is still lower. This means that the company takes less of it.