In terms of managing knowledge, there are two things that support teams are often struggling in: understanding their customers requirements and knowing how to keep their assistance material fresh.

Though it’s tough for them, it’s even more difficult for customers. A majority of customers are looking to resolve their problems by themselves prior to contacting an agent. However, 40% of customers report that help center searches fail to provide the answers they require. In case where you decide on breaking news about AI for ITSM, look at this site.

It simply isn’t simple to manage a help desk. Customers’ expectations and needs are always changing, and so support teams need to be able to create content that is both informative and useful for their clients.

It is possible to swiftly gain insights into the efficiency of content for support and the way customers adjust to the changes to your products or services. This means your help center must be able to expand by agents on the frontlines.

AI is an enormous help
Artificial intelligence is able to aid support teams in identifying self-service patterns that an individual agent may not be able to recognize. Those insights can help them take a more agile approach to designing and optimizing content for help, and can also help them understand gaps in knowledge between their help materials and customer needs.

This is how Content Cues utilizes the same machine-learning that drives Answer Bot to surface relevant information from the incoming Zendesk Support ticket. It then pinpoints the content that needs attention and recommends appropriate actions to improve the help center. These include the changing of article titles including labels for search, making new contents, and archive old content.

3 ways you can utilize AI to enhance the customer service you provide
Content Cues are a part of your ticket workflow so every insight can be used to enhance your self-service capabilities. Here are a few ways Content Cues can help support teams achieve:

Make use of AI to enhance your understanding
Your agents won’t catch every insight into what is the most popular support material with customers. Content Cues provides information on what topics are top of mind for your customers. They also provide recommendations for building out information on their questions.

Improve the quality of your articles to ensure they are more relevant
Support content is rarely ever evergreen – it needs to be constantly reviewed and regularly updated to stay relevant for the people who read it. Team Publishing allows agents to contribute their knowledge to old content.

Make your content more easily accessible
Content Cues pulls frequently-used terms from support tickets and then auto-populates the search label within of your content. This makes your articles simpler to search for, which allows customers to locate the self-service information they’re looking for.