According to the World Health Organization, this is a condition that affects how you feel, but it can also affect your ability to think clearly, make decisions and relate to others.
Depression symptoms vary from losing interest in activities you used to enjoy, to feeling sad all the time and having difficulty sleeping. If you recognize yourself or someone around you as being depressed then it is advisable that you seek help. Seek professional mental health assistance and counselling services if necessary to perform the ‘write my essay’ tasks easily.

  1. The following are suggested therapies for depression:
    1. Light therapy – studies have shown light therapy has proven effective in helping some people with seasonal depressive disorder and nonseasonal major depressive disorder.
    2. Pharmacological treatment – a doctor may prescribe antidepressants, which are effective for at least half of patients.
    3. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) – CBT is a form of psychotherapy which can help you understand your depression better and find ways to manage it. It looks at the way you think about yourself and life in general. The aim of CBT is to recognize negative thought patterns and change them. CBT helps an individual to identify their negative or distorted thinking and replace those thoughts with more realistic ones; this makes people feel better as they have a more positive outlook on life.
    4. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy – this type of therapy aims to help individuals who experience recurrent depression by helping them learn how to become self-aware so that they can better manage their moods and reactions to the world.
    5. New-wave psychological therapy – this kind of therapy is also known as Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) and it teaches skills to help cope with strong emotions and urges.
    6. Art therapy – art therapy has proven effective with people who have anxiety or depression and therapists use drawing, painting, collage, modelling and other creative activities to help people express their feelings.
    Essay Example: Stress and Crisis
  2. Stress
    1. In a situation where you do not feel that you are able to cope with the pressure of life, it is referred to as stress.
    2. Some people say that they can handle stress and pressure well, but others may find themselves unable to cope when faced with a stressful situation or event in their life.
    3. At times we will come across situations which are beyond our control such as losing our job, an unexpected death of someone dear, divorce from your partner etc., all these events have a certain degree of stress attached to them depending on how close the person is to us i.e family or friend involved or ourselves being involved personally with the incident/event at hand .
    4. Stress is also caused by our thoughts and how we perceive something, for example if you are in a job that you simply do not like, then the stress would be low. However, if someone else who also works at the same place gets promoted to your current job and gets a raise in salary and you don’t then it would have an effect on your sense of being under pressure or feeling stressed out over this fact.
    5. Stress can also come from within us such as fear of failure, fear of rejection etc., which does not necessarily have anything to do with what is going around us i.e family/workplace environment but more so with how we deal with things .
  3. Crisis
    1. A crisis is a period of intense difficulty or danger in an individual’s life, their family’s lives or the lives of other people around them.
    2. Some sort of problem which is out of our control has happened and we need to deal with it before it becomes worse i.e if someone close to you has been injured, been raped or kidnapped etc., then that would be considered a crisis situation as you do not know the outcome and whether they are still alive because until then you have no idea what might happen next.