The first thing you’ll hear when you listen to women discuss how they are fighting against the increasing number of violent sexual assault and robbery is “I’m going out to buy guns!”

Women should be concerned as, while violent gun crime has decreased in many areas however, sexual assaults are increasing. In 2015 the US saw 90,000 rapes. That breaks down to 10-12 instances of rape every hour of every day, year round. In the next hour, more than twice the number of American women will be exposed to some form of sexual assault. Self defense weapons are important for both at home and out-and-about.

Consider a Different Approach to Your Self Defense Weapons!
The only method to ensure your safety at all times, at a distance and during hand-to-hand physical combat is to carry a weapon with you items in your pocket or purse. It is much easier than ever before for self-defense equipment that is not lethal to be hidden until they are being used. When you decide on additional hints on protection devices, check out here.

It’s not helpful to shout for help. It’s possible that you’ll be overpowered regardless of how strong you might be. There’s virtually nothing that you carry around with you that isn’t equipped to leave your attacker not only injured and unable to move, but completely in a state of utter coma. Keep in mind that your main objective is to be able to survive. Let’s look at 10 excellent ways to catch your adversary off guard.

Tactical Knife
Your attacker will be aware in the nick of time that your pen or hairbrush conceals a knife moments later. Stabbing your attacker at close range can actually be more harmful than a bullet because you have more control over the position of the injury as well as the severity of it; a penknife could be a weapon that can strike with the precision of scalpel.

Tactical Pen
An attack pen is concealed in a similar fashion like a tactical knife. The tactical pens can also be utilized as writing instruments. This means you have nothing to attack your adversary with other than an oblique ballpoint.

Pepper Spray or Mace
This is the classic woman who is the ideal self-defense weapons that are able to make your attacker blind for enough to escape. It’s even better that technology has improved the effectiveness of delivery quite a bit: they’re inexpensive, easily mobile, and long-lasting and can disguised as an ordinary item in your purse say or the lipstick case.

Stun Gun
Stun guns are low-cost self defense weapons. They are best used at a close range. The electric shock lasts only until you maintain contact but it can last for a long time. The design of these devices allows them to be tucked in your bag as a seemingly everyday product.

TASER Devices
The TASER weapon, similar to the stun gun, baton, and mace is an invention that was invented by police and security officers, and then made available to the public. unlike a stun gun, that only causes extreme pain but the TASER weapon has the capability to stop the nervous system completely and completely incapacitate your attacker.

Tactical Keychain
While they may appear adorable and even harmless the tactical keychain is an interpretation of the brass knuckles concept. Modern technology eliminates the bulk of brass from the equation, and you’re left with a sturdy keychain made of plastic that fits your fingers perfectly.

Keychains with weapons. Personal alarms were not considered as effective ways of deterring to physical assault, but the technology has evolved to save the day. Alarms can reach up to 130 decibels. They are sure to attract attention to the vicinity.

Flashlights don’t seem like much of a deterrent either until you realize that a contemporary handheld flashlight that can fit into the palm of your hand is capable offering up 500 lumens of intense light. This is 6 times more than the typical blinding for a short period of time.

The high-tension plastics that make keychains for tactical use can apply that brass knuckle effect to almost any part of your body. That ring on your finger could flip up with just one quick motion to reveal a potentially damaging spike, or the concealed spikes within your shoelaces could be used to deliver an incredibly swift and devastating punch to anyone who is foolish enough to try and overcome you.

Monkey Ball
If you’re thinking of using your keychain for weapons consider this: a long nylon cord with a seemingly innocent ball of yarn at the end. It looks like the kind of thing your cat would love to play with. However, it’s not. The Monkey Ball, as it’s described, is an inch thick and made out of steel that is perfectly capable of knocking an opponent unconscious with the movement of the wrist.