Do Hair Growth Supplements Really Work?

That’s something a lot of people are finding answers for.

In this era of advertisements, people may really get confused between what is really helpful and what’s not.

Here you’ll get answers to a lot of questions arising in your mind about hair loss, hair growth, and also, do hair growth supplements work?

Firstly, we’ll discuss how hair growth works.

Hair grows from the root inside your follicle under the skin surface. Hair mainly gets nutrients and oxygen from our blood.

Now as we know that certain nutrients mainly biotin named keratin is useful for maintaining healthy growth and shine for your hair.

We can get these nutrients with a proper natural diet but the question is that in this era of everything being so fast is it possible to take all the nutrients only by meal?

But before moving to the justification or criticism of hair growth supplements we should know about the Best Vitamins For Hair Growth.

So, let’s start with vitamins for hair growth and thickness.

Best Hair Vitamins for Faster Hair Growth


Vitamin A is known best for tissue growth as well as helping build new tissues.

It also helps in the development of oil present in the sebaceous gland. These oils are called sebum which is present inside our skin layer which helps skin and hair look shiny.

While it’s good to consume vitamin A for hair growth it is also necessary to monitor the consumption. As per research, it has been found that too much consumption of vitamin A may lead to hair loss as well as other skin-related issues.

Some foods for hair growth consisting of vitamin A are carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin, spinach which produces Beta-carotene which is then by our body converted into vitamin A.

Animal products containing the above vitamin are milk, egg, and yogurt is a rich source of vitamin A.


Another best worldwide vitamin for hair growth is vitamin B which is biotin.

Biotin is the most trusted vitamin throughout the world when it comes to hair growth and hair thickness.

Vitamin B also helps in producing red blood cells which help in the movement of oxygen and nutrients to the hair.

Foods for hair growth containing vitamin B are almonds, meat, fish, seafood, leafy vegetables, green veggies.


Vitamin C is one of the best-known sources of antioxidants which plays a major role in making your hair healthy.

Vitamin C is also known to help your body absorb iron and minerals used for healthy hair growth.

Vitamin C is also used to create a protein known as collagen an important part of hair structure and helps your hair to grow.

Foods for hair growth containing vitamin C are kiwi, guava, strawberries, and citrus-like lemon are the best sources.


In 2014 a study conducted by Molecular Endocrinology stated that hair growth starts within 2 weeks after introducing vitamin D receptors in VDR null rodents.

However, it’s unknown how much time it may take for hair to regrow. But it’s clearly stated in many scientific pieces of research that vitamin D can be beneficial in stopping hair loss and its regeneration.

Vitamin D deficiency is also one of the biggest reasons for hair loss. Vitamin D is best made in our body by sitting under the sun but you can also have vitamin D supplements as many brands promise to provide vitamin D supplements.

Foods for hair growth containing vitamin D are fish fat, salmon, cod liver oil.


Vitamin E is also a good source of antioxidants and thus makes itself helpful for healthy hair and skin.

Many studies have shown faster and healthier hair growth just after a few days of consuming vitamin E.

Foods for hair growth containing vitamin E are almonds, avocado, sunflower seeds, spinach.

Some minerals other nutrients helpful for hair growth are:-
1. Protein
2. Iron
3. Zinc
That was about the foods and nutrients for better hair growth and health.

Now it’s time have a close look upon “Do Hair Growth Supplements Really Work?”

Do Hair Growth Supplements Work?

Now coming to the most frequent question that “*do hair growth supplements really work*” and “are they really necessary”. You may answer it yourself in the end.

As we have seen that every vitamin and mineral only works if it is taken in the right amount and in day to Day life monitoring it can be really impossible.

Hair supplements come with the right amount of vitamins and minerals needed for our hair growth.

What if we take a diet full of necessary vitamins and minerals?

Even in this case, your hair may lack a supply of supplements because of the functioning of the brain and body.

As hair and nails are thought to be an unnecessary part of our brain, our brain transfers these nutrients to the other parts of our body.
Hair supplements help us to cope up with the situation.

It’s an easy and efficient way of growing your hair as well as a healthy practice rather than going to parlors and spending thousands of bucks on unhealthy chemicals.

You may be taking care of your hair from outside with the several products in the market but still, the problem remains the same. Have you ever wondered why?

A hair growth supplement is an answer. You may take care of your hair in the best ways but the problem still be sitting inside your roots.
It can be only strengthened internally and what can be better than a hair growth supplement.

Final Verdict

This may be a confusing question in the world of several brands each promising to give you the best.

First, we need to consult a good dermatologist to see the cause and deficiency due to which our hair loss is happening.

After we have diagnosed the problem we can easily choose a product according to our needs.

Secondly, we need to see ourselves what we want from a supplement like just hair growth or just to get shiny hair and then select the ingredients according to that.

We can also commonly look for ingredients like vitamin A for antioxidant, vitamin B for biotin, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E other than these we can also search for protein, zinc, and iron-rich products.

Also, Biotin Rich Foods for Hair Growth are quite helpful.

Nowadays several companies customize products by asking a few questions so they can provide you with a hair growth pill that actually work for you.