A lot of people have heard of WhatsApp Plus or its variant WhatsApp Plus Holo. This mod is WhatsApp and offers a variety of additional functions to the WhatsApp application.

What exactly is WhatsApp Plus?

WhatsApp Plus is an upgraded version of the WhatsApp application that was created by Rafalense, a Spanish programmers in 2012. The modification is designed for users who wish to personalize WhatsApp more. It includes many themes and backgrounds as in addition to a large collection of emoticons not present in the original application. Additionally, there have been numerous improvements. Check out the post right here to discover a useful source on whatsapp plus apk.

WhatsApp Plus at heart is nothing more than the native WhatsApp APK, but with modified style sheets . All messages and other data are channeled via WhatsApp servers, so the encryption method is the same. Additionally, for Download WhatsApp Plus to work, it is first necessary to uninstall the original version of WhatsApp completely.

Rafalense quit the project in 2015 after the massive account suspension and the subsequent the pressure of WhatsApp. WhatsApp Plus was shut down shortly thereafter after a panicked response by users. Although there are a lot of versions of the app available in APK format that are still accessible through the Internet in 2020, the majority are malware and viruses developed by hackers to capitalize on the popularity of WhatsApp Plus over the years.

Statement from WhatsApp Plus co-owner announcing the withdrawal and closing.

We can say that WhatsApp Plus is still burning through Plus Messenger (available via Google Play) it is an Android application that has some of the features and essence of WhatsApp Plus. It is based on Telegram and was created by the original creator of WhatsApp Plus, Rafalense himself.

WhatsApp Plus: The Advantages

A little more in-depth look at what the application is, these are the benefits of WhatsApp Plus: WhatsApp Plus offers compared to the original version:

Visual themes Flags for visual themes: This feature is available via WhatsApp Plus. There are over 700 visual styles or themes that you can use to alter the appearance of WhatsApp. They include backgrounds, color, and text.

Many emoticons aren’t available in the official version.

You can also increase the maximum size limit for files You can send files as large as 50MB.

Change the appearance, colors, and sizes: WhatsApp Plus has 6 menus that allow us to customize the appearance of almost everything, including header colors, sizes, and colors of chat images, notifications, widgets and more.

Disadvantages of the use of WhatsApp Plus

There are a few negative aspects to the app’s use, considering that it’s almost identical to WhatsApp, only with added features. It is true that we should forget about receiving updates at the same time as other people, as WhatsApp Plus is not updated frequently.

Additionally, the emoticons can only be used if our contacts also are using WhatsApp Plus installed. If they install the trial version, they will only see an empty image …

Be aware

Although this modification to WhatsApp might seem amazing but it’s actually illegal.

WhatsApp may block users from using the original WhatsApp application by installing it on our computers.

Here is an excerpt from WhatsApp’s policy on the use of WhatsApp Plus:

WhatsApp does not approve WhatsApp Plus as an app. WhatsApp Plus is not affiliated with WhatsApp. We do not endorse WhatsApp Plus. WhatsApp is not able to guarantee the security of WhatsApp Plus and its use can put private and personal data stored on your mobile device at risk. WhatsApp Plus can share your information without your consent to third-party apps.

However, WhatsApp also indicates that it is possible to use the original version of the app within 24 hours, so long as we remove the application completely.

WhatsApp Plus Download

Let’s be honest. Many sites offering download links are from a dubious source or are hoaxes. They provide apks that don’t correspond to WhatsApp Plus viruses or malware.

WhatsApp is snatching websites that provide this app to the general public, and it’s most likely that websites that actually had the official WhatsApp Plus installation software have already removed the relevant websites.

We could even classify it as a damn application: very difficult to find and recommended unless you are willing to risk the security of our mobile device.

In any case there’s a variation or alternative to whatsapp apps Plus called GBWhatsApp which is extremely popular and can be downloaded more or less securely. You can download the latest version apk directly by visiting the GBWhatsApp official channel on Telegram .

To install GBWhatsApp, you will need to remove WhatsApp, the official WhatsApp application. If we do not want to lose all chats (from Settings> Chat ) then we’ll have to make an archive.

Lastly, let me stress once again the risks involved in using this app … Of obviously, the majority of those who start using WhatsApp Plus or for that matter, GBWhatsApp, then find it impossible to return to the simpler version of the application official. It is your responsibility to determine if it’s worth it or not.