Weightlifting is a great way to maintain a healthy lifestyle and tone physique. However, it is important to perform it the right way. Doing so prevents injuries because proper form helps you avoid placing too much pressure and strain on the wrong joints and muscles. As a bonus, when you maintain proper weightlifting form, you’ll likely see better results.

Build Muscle While Avoiding Injury

To build muscle through weight training and avoid injury, be sure to:

Common Weightlifting Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid overarching your back when you’re lifting weight. If you lean back when you’re pressing weight over your head, this puts too much stress on the joints that are in your low back. Prevent this by toning your core and tightening your glute muscles.

If you’re working out using a personal at home gym, be sure to invest in the best grip collars. They will prevent removable weight plates from shifting, allowing you to lift various weights safely and avoid overarching your back.

Proper weightlifting form includes making sure that you’re squatting low enough. When you perform a squat, keep your quads parallel to the ground. You can even go a bit lower and maintain safe form. If you fail to squat low enough, you may damage your knees.

Poor posture during pullups is another mistake to avoid. During pullups, don’t round your shoulders forward while pulling up. If you round your shoulders, you’ll fail to shape these muscles. You’ll also support poor posture. When you’re doing pullups, focus on bringing your chest up while pressing your shoulder blades down and toward one another.

How to Maintain Proper Form When Working Out Solo

If you’re working out at home or alone at the gym, you may not realize when you’re failing to maintain proper form. Working out in front of a mirror is the easiest way to check your form. Also, be sure to focus on how each muscle feels when you engage it. You can also record yourself to see if you exhibited any form breaks during your workout.

By investing in the best grip collars and focusing on your form, you’ll be able to lift weights safely and effectively.

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Alester Brown writes about online fitness training. She advises people on home gym, online workouts & exercise. You can find her thoughts at smart home gyms.