Elo Boost is a service where you can reach a desired rank or tier by the assistance of a skilled and professional Elo Booster. You can access your Elo boost by providing your account details to an booster or by going duo with him! This service is applicable to multiple games with multiple types of lol boost services.

The necessity to have Elo Boost comes from the reality that players may have friends or know people who are more prestigious and can’t get to those ranks because of insufficient time or lask of knowledge about the game.

This is why Elo Boost exists, to aid those having difficulty climbing the ladder to climb and leave the typical Elo Hell with the help of those who are very competent and experienced at the sport.

Do you think Boosting legal?

While many think that boosting is illegal, it is only in it’s Korean Server this sentence becomes the case. Boosting is in violation of Riot Games terms of service because it takes the enjoyment out of the games when players compete on their main accounts. Read this: league of legends boost for fruitful information.

Riot considers the idea of boosting as a method to break the ranked system and the overall hidden MMR system that lies behind it. Why? Keep in mind this boost league of legends is an application that helps you get at a higher position on the ladder, not only for ranked games, but also in normal games since the normal MMRs are also correlated with your MMR in ranked games.

Some say that even if one buys Elo Boost, you’ll end at the position that you started from, correct? That’s not completely true. you may be degraded if you find that the skill limit on the rank you’re looking for wasn’t enough for you as a player. However, the MMR may be still more than the one that you were using before purchasing Elo Boost.

Is Boosting harmful?

As stated above, Elo Boost isn’t illegal but it is in violation of some of the rules and fundamentals of Riot. Is it illegal?

Let’s say you’re Gold IV today and purchase boosting in order to be Platinum II or I, or even Diamond IV. You might demote several divisions, but you’ll most likely still have a better MMR having been on Platinum III or IV than the time the time you played Gold IV. This hidden MMR will also pass to your normal games. You’ll be playing with others of the same level of skill as you.

The the fact that all of this is happening could create the impression of unfairness. For sure you have encountered an AFK or tilted player before, right? It doesn’t come to this situation without reason, if you’re are feeling comfortable in your ability and the position you’re in a better position, and it’s less likely that you’ll be raging or AFK because you’re playing comfortably.

But what about those who are actually more skilled but lack the time or simply don’ want put in the effort climb? Are Elo increasing his performance a negative thing? It’s probably not since you’ll get the benefits more because you’ll be on a better position for your level of skill.

Can I be banned for Elo Boosting?

So, according to Riot the possibility of being banned by Riot for Elo Boosting. There is usually a massive ban wave near the end of every season. This is their method of punishing those who have attempted to climb the ladder buying league of legends boosting.

The method they create the massive bans is due to a brand new AI that assists them in identifying accounts that climbed too fast according to their algorithms.

The reason for these bans is the fact that they’re too obvious actually the actual rate of bans for boosting is lower than 0.2 percent. But since they do these kinds of occasions and ban lots of people at one time, this makes it appear as it’s a major thing. And it appears that the Riot is ending with Boosting, but that’s not the case.

There’s always a sense of uncertainty for those who have old League accounts and have invested many dollars in skins and cosmetics overall. It’s not going to feel good to get your account banned after having spent so many years “building” it and getting the most popular skins and champions.

The odds of getting your account suspended are small, especially with BuyBoosting since we utilize VPN for your account security. The Riot algorithm is unable to tell if it is you or otherwise since it’s an identical country. Don’t forget that on Duo Boost you play on your own account. So it will not be a problem as you can play using a booster and it can simply be a friend to terms of algorithm.