A cause-and-effect essay is a piece of writing where the writer looks at the question “why did this happen?” and “what are its effects?”. This type of essay focuses on how things happen, what they cause, and other effects.

Writing a good essay takes strong writing skills, as mentioned in the argumentative essay outline high school. But some people might not have this skill or want to write the essay, so they hire someone else to do it for them.


Steps for Writing the Cause and Effect Essay

Writing a cause-and-effect essay is not difficult. Follow these steps to write an excellent essay in no time.



The first step is to find a good essay topic. If you do not have a good topic, then you will never enjoy writing your essay and get stuck. Try to pick an interesting and engaging topic that both you and your audience like. 



The main purpose of your essay is in this sentence. Therefore, you should write it in a powerful and strong tone. When you have a good topic and thesis statement, you do not need to worry about how you write your essay. 



Research your topic. Find data from reliable sources. Try to avoid only using Wikipedia for research. Instead, visit the library and talk to people who know about your topic. Collect data and then get the most important information that you need for your essay. 



It is hard to write an essay when you do not have an outline. If you write the outline, then it will be easy to write an essay. However, some students are too busy with other tasks, and they cannot finish their work on time, so they need someone else to help them.



Start the opening paragraph with an interesting hook statement. Then provide some background information, and then conclude with your thesis statement. You don’t need to add all of that in this section.



The body of an essay is when you give all the information that supports your thesis. Try to only include relevant information in this part.



The conclusion is the last part of your essay. You should summarize everything you wrote. Do not introduce new ideas.



It is the last step in your essay. You should fix all the mistakes. Your essay should be error-free and get good grades from your teacher.


Cause and Effect Essay Topics

Here are some good cause-and-effect topics for your essay.

Pick the best essay topic from the list mentioned above and start writing your essay, for example in argumentative essay outline examples