Drama Cool Kodi addon is a popular choice for streaming Asian dramas on Kodi. However, before you can start streaming, you’ll need to install the addon. Once you install Drama Cool Kodi addon, it’s important to regularly update it to ensure optimal performance and avoid any issues that may arise due to outdated versions. In this article, we’ll guide you on how to update Drama Cool Kodi addon to the latest version.

Step 1: Open Kodi on your device
Launch Kodi on your device and navigate to the Add-ons tab located on the left-hand side of the home screen.

Step 2: Access the Settings
Click on the gear icon at the top left corner of the home screen. This will take you to the Kodi System settings.

Step 3: Select the System option
Scroll down and click on the System option.

Step 4: Choose the Add-ons option
Click on the Add-ons option from the left-hand-side menu.

Step 5: Enable Unknown Sources
In this section, you’ll see an option labeled Unknown Sources. Toggle it on to allow third-party installations.

Step 6: Go to the Add-on browser
Return to the home screen and click on the Add-ons tab located on the left-hand side of the screen. Then, select the Add-on browser icon located at the top left corner of the screen.

Step 7: Select the Install from Zip File option
Click on the Install from Zip File option.

Step 8: Choose the Drama Cool Repository
Navigate to the location where you downloaded the Drama Cool repository file and select it. Wait for the repository to install.

Step 9: Choose the Install from the Repository option
Once the installation is complete, return to the Add-on browser and select the Install from Repository option.

Step 10: Select the Drama Cool Repository
Click on the Drama Cool Repository and select the Video add-ons option.

Step 11: Update the Drama Cool addon
You’ll see a list of all the video add-ons available in the repository. Locate the Drama Cool addon and click on it. Then, click on the Update option to update the addon to the latest version.

Step 12: Wait for the update to complete
The update process may take a few minutes to complete, depending on your internet speed. Wait for the update to finish, and once it’s done, you’ll see a notification at the top right corner of the screen.

Congratulations, you have successfully updated the Drama Cool Kodi addon to the latest version. You can now enjoy the uninterrupted streaming of your favorite Asian dramas on Kodi. Keep in mind that it’s essential to update your addons regularly to ensure optimal performance and avoid any issues.