Why You Need To Get Home Environmental Tests

The indoor environment can have a negative impact on people’s wellbeing. The importance of these inspections is for those who are buying a new house and anyone who wants to improve their life conditions.

Radon is a cancer-causing radioactive gas, is present within 1 of 15 homes. Lead-based paint and asbestos were extensively used in construction prior to 1978. They can also become airborne during renovations.

Air Quality

The smoke from wildfires as well as other sources may cause respiratory and heart problems. Fine particles (PM2.5), which can be inhaled, can reach deep inside the lungs and raise chances of developing lung infections and heart disease. In addition, it may aggravate existing heart and lung conditions. Going here: Los Angeles mold testing for effective information.

The air quality index can be an indicator to determine if the environment is healthy or unhealthy. The index is a measure of six hazardous pollutants, including Ozone released by power plants car exhausts and particles as well as ground-level ozone.

Water Quality

It is essential to conduct regular water tests. Even though EPA rules establish standards for safe drinking water but you don’t know if your water supply is affected by external elements. The water testing will tell you if any harmful contaminants were detected that are not in line with national standards, which can cause serious health problems in the future if not treated.

Water quality tests can also find common pitfalls in your water at home. For example, if your water is contaminated with iron, it may cause rusty-orange or black streaks on your laundry, fixtures and other water-using devices. The water test will determine how much iron is in your water, so you are able to choose the best treatment for your house.

Tests of water quality will reveal other elements that, while not harmful when present in small quantities, may pose a risk if found in high quantities. An excessive amount of bacteria could cause typhoid or other waterborne diseases.

Asbestos & Lead

Asbestos, a naturally occurring fibre that was previously utilized to create hundreds of building materials is dangerous. Asbestos fibers can be airborne upon being disturbed, and can result in irritation of the lungs. This leads to deadly illnesses like asbestosis as well as lung cancer and mesothelioma.

It’s impossible to tell the presence of asbestos in a particular material by visual observation alone, so sampling is required before any demolition or remodeling work is allowed to begin. Luckily, Reed Environmental Services uses specially trained lab technicians to sample the suspected asbestos-rich materials using an approach that isn’t invasive and doesn’t disturb the material.

Lead is yet another dangerous but extremely common chemical which is found almost everywhere in homes and commercial building constructed prior to 1978. When it becomes degraded or damaged during scraping, sanding or removal of high heat, it can release minute particles which can cause lead poisoning in children and adults. It is crucial to determine the level of contamination and create an action plan.

The Mold

The spores of mold can cause a range of respiratory ailments which include irritation of the throat, skin and nose, aswell being a cause of headaches, constriction in the nasal passages and coughing. Long-term exposure can also increase the risk of developing more serious illnesses like asthma.

It is typically discovered by house inspectors through visible signs on surfaces and wet spots. It is easy for mold to hide behind carpets and walls, and is difficult to detect without the proper tools. Testing for mold can identify colonies that are hidden within your house which can be hazardous to your health and impact the quality of living in your room.

Just like Goldilocks, mold requires the “just just” amount of moisture in order to flourish and an expert environmental testing can identify this. A certified mold inspector uses air and swab samples to discover how the interior environment affects your comfort and health. Both types of samples are taken at the exact time to prevent environmental influences which could impact the count.