1) Why should the domain be pointed at the archive – how is this good for
the newswire or the users?

As we see it, the decision to point the domain to an archive, which the Mayday collective agreed to at the UK network meeting in Bradford, was made because there were conflicting ideas about what to do with the network’s site, UK Indymedia. The compromise, that was acceptable to both parties at that time, was that the only equitable solution would be to archive the site and fork into 2 new project 1.

2) What steps need to be taken in order to ensure that Mayday would get an
even handed approach from new imc?(which we clearly aren’t getting – and
of course we are not a new imc)

If it is the view of Mayday collective that they are not getting ‘an even handed approach from new imc’ then the collective should suggest a way forward that would be acceptable to them.

3) What concessions does this proposal expect from BTM in return for a say
in where the domain is pointed?

We think that the Bradford decision was a compromise for both Mayday and Be the Media factions and so we are trying to find a way to implement it. If the Mayday collective have further suggestions then they should contribute them to the process.

4) Why should Mayday hand over control of the domain to a network before
it is affiliated and therefore has a voice in determining how it is used
in the future.

Because we think the domain belonged to the UK network which has now dissolved. We do not think it is appropriate for factions that emerged from that network to use it for their own projects.

1 lists.indymedia.org/pipermail/imc-uk-pr...