Future Events

Tues 30 September 7.30pm at ACE
Indymedia Scotland monthly meeting
(last Tues every month)
Be the media!

Wed 1st October 7.30pm at ACE
ACE monthly meeting
(first wed every month)
All welcome

Starting Thursday 2nd October 8pm at ACE

Herb Study Group.

Every other Thursday. 8pm – 10pm.
First one Thursday 2nd of October,
then Oct 16th, 30th, Nov 13th, 27th, Dec 11th.

Space to explore herbs, as part of becoming
more self-sufficient in the way we can approach
health and to move away from the medical model
and industry.

We’ll choose one herb every time and look at it
fresh (if possible) and dried; smell it, taste it,
explore it in different forms (hot and cold, as a
tincture, essential oil etc), look at it’s medicinal
uses and experiment with different ways of
experiencing it…meditation, drawing…

The first herb we’ll look at is Lavender, after that
we can decide week by week depending on what
interests people. Space open for all; folks new to
using herbs and those with experience who want to
deepen a connection to the plants we look at.
We encourage people to bring their own knowledge,
herb lore, stories and experiences.

Space will be free/ small donation to ACE.

Friday 3rd October 10am – 6pm at the Assembly Rooms, George Street.
Migrant Rights and Information Day – Edinburgh Positive Action in Housing’s
New Migrants Action Project is working in partnership with City of Edinburgh
Council and migrant community groups to organise a Migrant Rights and
Information Day in the Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh on Friday 3rd October 2008
from 10am-6pm.

The Migrant Rights and Information Day will be an opportunity for new
migrants in Edinburgh to meet representatives from a range of different
organisations and get information and advice on their employment rights,
housing rights and options, welfare benefits entitlements, healthcare
rights, education rights and on a wide range of other topics.

For more information

Sat 4th October at 3pm at the Forest Cafe, Bristo Place
Repression and Resistance in Mexico
The Zapatista autonomous communities and the Scottish connection

Showing of the 20 minute film “Health and Solidarity”, created by
Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group and Camcorder Guerillas. Talk,
questions and discussion. Hundreds of thousands of indigenous people in
Chiapas, southern Mexico have taken land into communal control and are
creating their own autonomous communities. Schools, health clinics,
co-operatives, indigenous culture, and grass-roots decision-making are
blossoming amidst dire poverty. Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group
raises funds for the clinic and schools of their twinned Zapatista
villages. Now the Mexican State, and paramilitaries, are attacking the
Zapatistas. Hear a first-hand account, and discuss what we can do.

Sunday 5th October 2008. 3pm at ACE

Feminist health information and discussion space.
(based on ‘Threads’ a self-published women’s health book)
Women only, trans friendly.
Free/ donation.

Ideas to include looking at feminist exploration of
female anatomy and sexuality, information about
changes that can be noticed during the menstrual
cycle, how observing those changes can be used as a
method of contraception, the experience and politics
of the menstrual cycle and so-called PMS, and the
broader politics of how health is defined.

There’ll be copies of ‘Threads’ for sale, it’s a
not-for-profit book.

Please forward to anyone who might be interested.

Tues 7th October 7.30pm at ACE
Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty organising meeting
Join us to plan resistance to the Council attack on people in arrears with
Council Tax. We aim to organise a protest for mid October – come to the
meeting or e mail us at ecap@lists.riseup.net or call in any tuesday 1-4pm
at ACE, for more info

Wed 8th October, 5pm at Edinburgh University Chaplaincy, room 2
What is Anarchism? A discussion of the fundamentals and how to get involved

Wednesday 8th October 7pm at ACE
Queer Mutiny book group

Wed 8th October 7.45pm Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace EH1 2JL
Nine NO2ID protestors arrested!
Public meeting organised by NO2ID Edinburgh

Thursday 9th October 7pm at ACE
Leave it in the ground / No new coal

Catastrophic climate change is the biggest threat facing us. Burning coal
is the biggest historical cause of climate change. Yet every day more coal
is burned, and the coal industry and the government seem intent on burning
even more.

33 new opencast coal mines and six coal fired power stations are at the
planning stage in the UK alone. In Scotland, the outlook is bleak – many
of these new coal mine projects are planned for the central belt, and two
power stations are to be rebuilt. Rumblings of an effort to resist these
new projects have begun, and after reading this weeks email on the SCA
list it seems loads of people want to start working on these issues!

Leave it in the Ground is a network supporting and developing groups
across the UK as part of the campaign to stop new coal, and is growing in
strength. As a network, Leave it in the Ground is run by and for the
groups that make it up, existing as a way to establish common ground,
facilitate networking and share information and skills.

After attending an inspirational Leave it in the Ground workshop at the
Earth First! gathering, the two of us who attended from Scotland are
proposing to have an organising meeting on Tuesday 23rd September, 7-9pm,
at ACE, Edinburgh), to get everyone interested in stopping new coal
developments in Scotland together, and talk about what we want to do about
them, under the banner of ‘Leave it in the ground / No New Coal’. And
there’s an awful lot to do – from research to community engagement and
organising to taking direct action – its really important that we get on
the case now!

In addition, there is a Leave it in the Ground national networking meeting
in Manchester on the 11th and 12th October. We thought it would be good to
have a meeting in Scotland before this in the hope that people would be up
for going to Manchester with feedback and get Scotland more involved in
the network.

Please come along!

Friday 10th October, 7pm onwards at ACE
Womens Caff
Women only, all women welcome to drop in during the evening.

Monday 13th October 7pm for 7.30pm at ACE
Monthly meeting of Edinburgh Branch IWW
(2nd Monday every month)
Grass-roots revolutionary union iww.org.uk

Tuesday 14th October 7pm at ACE
Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group organising meeting
solidarity with the indigenous zapatista movement in Mexico

Wed 15th October Brighton
Mass demo against weapons factory EDOMBM/ ITT

Sat 18th October London
Anarchist Bookfair

FESTIVAL will take place from Wednesday 29th October to Sunday 2nd
November 2008 in Out of the Blue Drill Hall, 30-38 Dalmeny Street,
Edinburgh, EH6 8RG

author of Belching Out the Devil: Global Adventures with Coca-Cola
will open the 12th Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair

Wednesday 29 October 2008 at 7.00pm

Out of the Blue Drill Hall
30-38 Dalmeny Street

Admission Free! Donations welcome!

All Welcome!

Cafe and Bar Open!

’Thomas’s revelations are riveting’ Independent

‘John Pilger with laughs’ Guardian

Mark Thomas has been a
comedian and activist for over twenty years. His campaigning brand of
comedy-spanning TV, stage and print-has been a thorn in the side of many
politicians and corporations, and has resulted in him being awarded a UN
Global Human rights Defender Award and a Kurdish National Congress Medal of
Honour amongst other citations. Belching Out the Devil: Global Adventures
with Coca-Cola

is his second book, following the tremendous popularity of his first As
Used on the Famous Nelson Mandela
Recently Mark won a Sony Comedy Award 2008 for a R4 programme ‘My Life
in Seriously Organised Crime’.*

For more info visit http://www.word-power.co.uk/

Bunnyhuggers events

Bunnyhuggers – giving all animals rights bunnyhuggers.org.uk

Anti-vivisection demo against companies in Edinburgh
21st October, 08
Free transport arranged, email info@caare.org.uk to book a place

Discussion Group
24th October 7pm at ACE
Topic: TBC 4th Meeting of the Discussion group, book a place now by
emailing info@bunnyhuggers.org.uk

Vigil for CND outside the Scottish parliament: for a nuclear-free Scotland
for humans and animals
30th October, 08 8.30am

Demo/Protest (anti-fur and anti-vivisection)
Every Saturday. Assemble from 12.00-13.00 outside Registry House. Move on
to Multrees Walk then Princes Street

Information Stalls (anti-fur and anti-vivisection)
Every Saturday @ the East End of Princes Street (10am-1pm)

Past Events

31st August

7pm – ACE CINEMA – City of God

Cidade de Deus (City of God) is a housing project built in the 1960’s
that, in the early 80’s, became one of the most dangerous places in
Rio de Janeiro. The tale tells the stories of many characters whose
lives sometimes intersect. However, all is seen through the eyes of a
singular narrator: Buscapé, a poor black youth too frail and scared to
become an outlaw but also too smart to be content with underpaid,
menial jobs. He grows up in a very violent environment. The odds are
all against him. But Buscapé soon discovers that he can see reality
differently than others. His redemption is that he’s been given an
artist’s point of view as a keen-eyed photographer. As Buscapé is not
the real protagonist of the film, only the narrator, he is not the one
who makes the decisions that will determine the sequence of events.
Nevertheless, not only his life is attached to what happens in the
story, but it is also through Buscapé’s perspective of life that one
can understand the complicated layers and humanity of a world,
apparently condemned to endless violence.

24th August 2008

7pm – PRESENTATION – Anti NATO Summit protests – Romania 2008

A first-hand account of the mobilisation against the NATO Summit in
Bucharest, Romania in April 2008. With some photos and short TV-spots.

Presentation and discussion at ACE, 17 West Montgomery Place,
Edinburgh EH7 5HA
Sunday 24th August 7pm
Free . All welcome.

This summit saw overwhelming repression from the state. Beforehand
there was a clamp-down against anti NATO activists and anarchists. German
activists were detained at the border, and international activists
were kept out of the country.
Then, more activists were detained in Bucharest for spurious reasons. 23,000
police were in the city to protect the summit.
100 activists protested against the summit. Secret undercover police
were also in operation against the protestors.

In extremely oppressive circumstances, the anti NATO activists
organised as best as they could. They rented a hall as a base for the
protest. This was attacked by the state police. Demonstrators
protested outside police stations, hospital and the Czech Embassy,
demanding the right to free speech.

The talk will deal with issues such as
- how to bring activists together
- how to deal with repression and sharing personal experience
- how to deal with the media and what to beware about
- personal experience with the secret police operation and suspicions
inside the movement
There will also be an opportunity to compare experiences in other anti
capitalist summit mobilisations, such as the anti G8 in Scotland in 2005.

more info ace (at) autonomous.org.uk, krtek (at) riseup.net

17th August

7pm – ACE CINEMA – Heavy Metal in Baghdad

In the late summer of 2006, in the middle of the insurgency,
filmmakers Eddy Moretti and Suroosh Alvi traveled to Baghdad to meet
and interview the only heavy metal band in Iraq, Acrassicauda. “Heavy
Metal in Baghdad” is the story of the band and its members, young
Iraqis whose lives have been distorted and displaced by years of
continual warfare in their homeland. The filmmakers have collected
glimpses into the struggles of Acrassicauda as they try to stay
together and stay alive. Their struggle is the untold story of the
hopes and dreams of an entire generation of young Iraqis