This has bugged me for a while but as with most things it’s easy when you know how.

First setup a cron job with wget

0 */6 * * * wget -A torrent -r -l 1

This will go an check for new torrents every 6 hours at and place them in a directory of the same name in your home directory.

info: -r is recursively. -l is a small L as in go down one level. i.e only drill down one directory to search for the torrent file.

How to Automatically add Democracy-now torrents to transmission under GNU/Linux

Now just set transmission to watch that folder:

edit > preferences > automatically add torrents from >

Do not set transmission to delete the torrents or wget could fetch them again!! Wait until they’re removed from the site if you really must.

How to Automatically add Democracy-now torrents to deluge under GNU/Linux

Now just set deluge to watch the folder:

Edit > Preferences > Downloads > Auto add .torrents from: