
3 people, 2 men and 1 woman

We visualize a design for the demo. We would meet in Westbanhof at 15h and walk through Mariahilferstrassem, Museums Quartier, Parliament, … to Stephanplatz, arriving there around 19h.

At 20h we would make a Assembly.

We agree that we send this as an open proposal to the collectives and individual people, so that they are invited to enrich it and make it theirs.

We will include it in the “contact text” for sending to collectives, and will send it the first to GE.WI.

We agreed also in the minimum explicit info that should appear in the flyers and posters that we distribute. This is:


The graphic dessign (logo “15.O” and lemma “united for global change”) that is currently distributed in the facebook group “International organization May 15” has been used for a first version of the poster, but we need to adapt it to include the above info.

There is also a flyer (size a third of A4) we can already use.

We agreed that the contact email we use for spreading is gonna be vienna15o@gmail.com (password: FuckFuck), that will be collectivelly mantained.