This is just a synthetic overview of a very complex issue; we strongly recommend reading the sources (mettere # ID).
Every Italian law about immigration is based on a previous one, which is why a little history is needed. If you’re not interested, jump directly to the Bossi-Fini Law and the Security Set, the current laws (METTERE # ID). Every law gets its name from its promoters.

-Forced deportation in international waters contravenes Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948: “Every man is free to leave his land”; it is also against the Geneva Convention of 1951, as many refugees are sent back instead of being offered protection; it involves the risk of shipwreck in the sea, meaning that it is also against human rights.

-Having documents can make it easier for police to send an immigrant to his/her country; this encourages immigrants to “lose” their documents or give false names and nationalities (making police work more difficult and expensive), and to remain in the CIE as long as possible.

-Life conditions in CIE are hard. Indeed, several immigrants organised riots, escaped, or tried to commit suicide.

-No information was given about healthcare policies or regulation in the CIE.

-It is now impossible to regularise the situation of immigrant workers who have received a deportation order but remain in Italy. Many firms employ immigrant workers in this category, and the impossibility of regularising their situation risks leaving many companies with an insufficient number of workers.

-Employers now bear a great social responsibility for defining a welcoming policy for immigrants. Employers, in fact, will have to guarantee a decent life to immigrant employees. In reality, however, employers will have the power to blackmail and exploit illegal immigrants.

-Without the signing of joint agreements with the countries from whose coasts these immigrants embark, forced returns will hardly be effective.

-Push-backs are often violent acts, as the immigrants refuse to be repatriated. Two cases are the Tunisian citizens tied with tape and the Libyan immigrant pushed back in 2009

-Despite the fact that 92% of the legal immigrants come with family reunion visas and working visas, the Bossi-Fini law focuses mostly on illegal migration: only 5 out of 38 articles deal with family reunion and work policies. The government has no actual policy regarding the social integration of regular immigrants (religious dialogue, for example).

[en] Geneva Graduate Institute, "Global Detention Project:Italy", 2011
[en] Silvia Rusconi, "Italy´s migration experiences", 2010.
[en] E. Komada, "Turned away. The detrimental effect of Italy’s public security law on undocumented children’s right to education", Boston Uni Law Journal, 2011. Italy’s violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child denying education to undocumented children. Also provides a history of Italian immigration law.
[en]European Industrial relations observatory on-line, "Law 189/2002, or Bossi-Fini", 2002
[en]Italy’s immigrants despair at new laws - BBC. (Security Set 94/2009)
en fr es sr sq ro ar Editorial, Interviews, Official analysis and reports on right of citizenship