Group of action 15.Oktober

Vienna, October 17th. 2011
About 4000 people met each other at the 15. October in Vienna, to promote the necessary Change of our society. Two ways came together and mixed each other: First it was the classical protesting-culture, that was manifested in the colourful and loud Demonstration from West-Bahnhof to the Heldenplatz, and second it was the „Assamblea“, the meeting in a circle!
It was our first massive meeting and maybe for that reason it was relatively chaotic but full of live! We, the Austrians, are not used to stand for ourselves, speaking free, but the circle was built and many of us took the word and explained our feelings, our views and our conclusions; that all was focus on our global society’s peaceful change.

In the virtual discussion, that is down with high intensity; and in our gathering at Heldenplatz, it became obvious one essential crisis reason:

The financial-world is degenerated – and the centre of degeneration is the way of money making through credits from private bank-institutions. In the EURO-zone the banks created the „legalised cheating“, where they make money out of nothing! – this is the top corruption! Banks only own 2% of capital. That means 98% of the money they give on credit does not really exists! The greediness coming as a consequence of the iron curtain falling in the late 80’s (when a nearly endless growing “dream” started), causes the banks making this gigantic mistake!

For that reason, their arcs are now empty! They cannot stand even the smallest economy crises. For that reason it is clear that the EURO is in danger! And now we shall pay for „this EURO“ saving!
The old lie is still unrevealed! The political elite hides all together the huge banks unreliability and makes themselves more unreliable!

We are the cheated ones! First our children, and then our grand-children will be the cheated ones; furthermore it is cheated all working-people in this giant running circle. This is based on thousands of years lying to people where we have all been cheated and sold out!

The worse is that to cover this lie they take an enormous public credit; all on our expense and where our children will also have to pay after us! This tragedy of falling us deeper and deeper on the cheaters’ hands can be stopped: we shall stand up against it!
The dimensions of this lie is so big that civil disobedience is a must now! The only way to overcome this crisis is by an in-depth analysing, where we should discover the underlying reasons. We must do this analysis by ourselves, and we demand it from the officials!

From now on, we hold an assembly in the rooms of an previously empty house in Lindengasse 60 (Epizentrum), in Maria Hilferstrasse and we ask all people to take part of this assembly with all your strengths and abilities. We call on for all people to join us, and to do the relevant work of analysing and extracting conclusions out of the facts written here!
Please overflow the politicians and bankers with your questions, and do not stop until the true reasons are put on the table!!!
Our children shall start their life on this wonderful planet in freedom, without any backlog of the past!
We are the shapers of our lives, prompting the change for better!