
The Occupy Eugene (OE) Communications Committee is tasked with communicating with the public regarding Occupy Eugene events and news through our website, social media and in person.

The purpose of our email list is to distribute information. We have a very active email list and have created these usage guidelines for our members to follow. These guidelines will help our email list members to communicate more efficiently and hopefully greatly reduce the number of emails that come across our listservs.

How to use the listserv

Contacting all committees

The committee email lists are not to be used to contact all OE organizers. Whether you are an OE participant yourself or an someone interested in contacting OE, you should not paste all committee email addresses into a message. If you feel the need to get an urgent message out to OE organizers, email admin [at] and we will distribute the message (in the vast majority of cases, the committee contacts list is most appropriate). Please know that if you attempt to send a message to all lists it will be rejected regardless of the circumstance. Email traffic is at critical levels and must be reduced.

Appropriate Message Contents

Please do not send

Replying to a message

When you receive an email and wish to reply, ask yourself if your reply is more appropriate for the individual who originally sent the email or a REPLY ALL to the whole list.

Default behavior should be to err on the side of replying to the person only, not REPLY ALL. When you REPLY ALL, there is a high chance you are sending unnecessary emails to the entire listserv that not everyone wants to read.

If at all possible contact people directly with information you believe would help them.

Getting a digest rather than individual messages

If you would like to receive messages in digest format (once per day), go here and follow the instructions.

Listserv etiquette

Messages such as “thank you” or “please send me information” should be sent to individuals, not the entire list (use “REPLY ALL” cautiously).

Include a specific and concise topic in the subject line. This allows others to respond appropriately.

Do not challenge or attack any individual, this is a place for communication and information, not debate.

Do not post any defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials. Do not post anything that you would not want the world to see or that you would not want anyone to know came from you.

Do not collect names or e-mail addresses, also known as “harvesting”, to be used for contacting any list subscriber outside of the list serve.

Periodic list cleanup

From time to time, you may receive a message asking that you reply if you would still like to be on a given list. If you do not reply within 3 days, you will be removed from the listserv.

Thank you for helping us streamline communication so that more people can participate!

-Occupy Eugene Communications Committee