
Plum Grants

Did you recently create a sustainable community action project, program or organization? Do you need $500 to further the growth and success of your program? If you answered, “YES!”, you are eligible to apply for a Plum Youth Grant. Plum grants are given out weekly. Yep, that’s right—we said WEEKLY!

Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and stay active for consideration for two months after submission

How to Apply

How to Apply for a Plum Grant

Eligibility Rules:

Do Something Grants can not be used to fund:

Steps to Apply:

*Helpful Hint: You will notice that the categories on the project posting are similar to those on the application. Your project posting is a public place for you to let others know about your project. Your application is private and what the judges see. Keep you project brief and concise in your project posting and go into more detail in your application.

The Application:

Our grant application questions follow Do Something’s “Path to Change”. Check it out HERE

You will need the following to complete your application:

Optional(but recommended)