OWS Medic Meeting 1/11/12


Miriam, Elan, Red, Ed, Dave, Embi, Bugz, Jose, Grace, JediDave, FeatherHat, Captain Sam,

Report Backs:


1) Financing

Embi will be stepping down as the point person, Janet will be taking over and Ed will be her buddy. (We decided on this as Max has been difficult to reach)
Dave we will need to resubmit an expense report to spokes. Embi has already done a lot of work on this, Dave has done some work, and Janet and Ed will do the rest.

Food expenses have been an issue.
People should try to budget well, and connect with the kitchen
Grace will provide us with a list of resources for food.

2) Occupy Excursions and Events

3) EMT study group / skills share

Miriam is taking EMT class and would like to share her training with us as well as learn with us. Will meet at Charlotte’s Place on Wednesdays at 1pm. NNU Nurses will be involved.

4) Story Telling


5) Convergence Space (at this time, Justin’s Apartment)

It’s agreed that convergence spaces should all be respected in the following ways:
Occupiers using convergence space will participate in house hold chores:
All dishes will be washed immediately
If dishwasher is used it will be emptied
Bathroom will be kept clean

Occupiers will use their own toiletries or towels
Sleeping space and socializing space will be respected and used appropriately
We will try to work together with this. People staying in the space will be respectful of the rules and owners of the space will give specific and concrete guidelines on what to do if they feel that the occupiers are not doing what is expected.
Everybody’s goal should be to leave the place nicer than they found it
We will speak further about what a convergence space means…

6) Medic Bag Supplies

Supplies will be kept at Charlotte’s place
Medics should only carry supplies that would be in their scope of practice to use
Nobody should have lidocane patches
Any inappropriate supplies can be turned into the NNU at Charlotte’s Place

Hi – Low

we will not mention the lows
Many medics high was the taking down of the barricades at Zuccotti Park
The people who went to NH are glad to be back in NYC

Our next meeting will be held on Wed at 7pm at 60 Wall Street unless otherwise noted.