Amy Lenzo
Bill Aal
Don Benson
Helen Spector
John Abbe
John Kelly
Kaliya Hamlin
Margo Adair
Nancy Glock-Greuneich
Tom Atlee
Tree Bressen

Peggy Holman canceled due to weather. She sent documents ahead and presented at one session on the template she’s been developing for her own work in this area.


We met at Tree Bressen’s house in Eugene, Oregon Dec. 15-20. Participants stayed at Tree’s house, at Tom & John A.’s co-op around the corner, and elsewhere in the neighborhood.


$935 total. Each person paid $75-100 sliding scale for the week. Thanks to a friend who cooked lunches and dinners for the group at well under market rate (plus Tree and the cook sourcing free and low-cost food in the area, including the garden), this was sufficient to provide meals for everyone, plus chip in for heat and other expenses at Tree’s place.