(en:) Protocol of the Assembly of “Global Spring Vienna”. 9.March 2012. 18:00. Museums Quartier and Amerlinghaus.

An attendance of about 17 people is recorded (8 women and 9 men).

1)Presentation of the “Working groups”.
2)Ideas about what there should be in the “Information point”.
3)Ideas about how to “connect with other people”.
4)Should we work together? (we should think each of us of the possible groups we could call to work together and bring our proposals for this assembly)
5)Wiener Woche

We make a introductory round saying each of us our names.

1) Presentation of the “Working groups”

The list of already existing working groups is:

- Facilitation
- Communication
- International
- 12th of May
- Info point 30th of March

We go through each of them.

Facilitation working group→ Facilitate group dynamics is an uncertain art. There are several different approaches, that ranges from those more directive to those other more chaotic. We use some resources as “Visible Agenda” or making “rounds”, and moderation and turns, for example. People is invited to join the task!

Communication working group→ Susan has collected a bunch of links about Occupy, DRY and Global Spring. There’s a assembly in Innsbruck this sunday and a forum. There’s also Erwin who knows about open source based social networks. We can explore alternatives to facebook. We need to know where to post the information. The identity of the group we need to define it. We should not keep on using the identity of 15. Okt because nobody understands it.

We decide by consensus to use the new identity → globalspringvienna

We debate about the physical assembly as the final decision making space. Jaume argues against it

International working group→ It is informed that there are international meetings held in Mumble (free software of voice multiconference and chat). Patricia informs that there is already a document of goals and visions developed by Occupy Austria.

12 May working group→ We debate about if making a demo or not, and about the itinerary. We consider also to invite speakers to present alternatives to capitalism. We consider the option on making something related to the United Nations. It is informed that there are an initiative to bring 20000 women to Heldenplatz in that same day (only women) against patriarchism. There are also people promoting a protest camp. We consider the possibility of including fun, music, jams…

There is a certain debate about what is our goal. Somebody proposes that a goal is to bring more people to the assemblies and to train more people to know the techniques. We debate also about the autonomy of the other groups. In the 15.Okt there were for example groups that coupled their actions autonomously (Attac made a info table, Epizentrum was occupied, …). We are in a learning process of how to work together. We miss a clear and detailed goal.

2) Information point working group

The 30th of March in Museums Quartier we will participate in Untergang Art event with an info point. Patricia shares with us a design of it with three pannels: one with bad news from the newspapers, a second with good news, and a third with our proposals and espace for free participation. We discuss about making an assembly there also.

Jonathan joins the facilitation group.

We could locate the document of takethesquare that collects the hand signs.

We have 2 assemblies left befor 30.März. We are gonna need to specify a budget and we’ll need to meet more often (every two days or so).

We decide to postpone the points 3) and 4) for the next assembly.

5) Wien Woche
It is an initiative coming apparently from the Green party. To be held in Septembrer/October. There would be necessary to write 10 pages or so for application.
There is the possibility to get grants from StadtWien in a project focused on:

They would ask for projects and would provide money for flyers, posters, … and legal advice. It has to be gender and integration correct.

We would nominate three people. The deadline for the application is on 18. März.

Susan will provide details on the origin of the money and on the legal terms of the contracts.

There’s a important debate around it about if we want to work with a political party.

There’s an assembly before the deadline next friday so we agree on keep on debating with all the information then.

Agenda proposal for the next meeting
It will be held on Amerlinghaus next friday 16.März at 19:00.

1) Presentation Round
2) Untergang Art
3) Settle platforms
4) Flyer, poster, printing and spreading
5) Wien Woche
6) Conecting with other people