(en:) Protocol of the Assembly of “Global Spring Vienna”. 16th March 2012 at 19:00 in Amerlinghaus.

Participants: 10 people (5 women and 5 men)

1) 30th March
2) Communication team
3) Flyer, poster, printing and spreading
4) Wien Woche
5) Connecting with other people

1) 30th March

There are some problems with the participation of the group in Untergang Art as we have not get the authorization for neither the assembly nor the info point. There are some discussions about still participating and where.

The assembly decides that there will be still an assembly that it will take place in the corner of Mariahilferstrasse with MQ. The reason for this was to have the minimum problems with private security.

The working group of the 30th of March will be responsible for getting the authorization IN A REGULAR MANER to be able to start making the Assemblies outside and to have the infrastructure needs (info point and panels)

There is a discussion about the info point. It is still consider important to have it on the street, however the possibility of creating an infrastructure on the street can cause us some problems regarding the authorization. A new group is created for the info point. Monica and Barbara join the group and they will contact Patricia as she has been already working on it. They will meet and bring a clear proposal for the next assembly.
In any case, there is a discussion about what to include in the info point and what the people can offer. It is decided that the info point must have information about the assemblies and call for participation. Chris offers to print documents if needed. Also for flyers he has a cheap contact. The people from Untergang offer to pay for the flyers and include it within their budget. Barbara offers to design the flyers and the group will contact Johanna for the booklet with practical information for the assembly such as the hand signs.

Another aim of the info point is to advertise the 12th of May. There is a need to say who we are, what we want to change and what we want to do together.

The language of the assembly on the 30th of March will be in German, if non German speakers will be there, there will be a possibility of interpretations. If in the assembly there are clear petitions or proposals from the participants, they can be presented to the group of Untergang Art for them to include it in their follow up catalogue. That could be the link with Untergang Art.

The last day to give ideas for the info point will be in the next Assembly.

2) Communication team
Susan presents some proposals from the communication team.

The assembly decides that the communication team can start with Facebook group and Facebook page and also “we rise up” platform. The information in Facebook will be for the outside and as a way to reach more people. The platform of rise up will be used for internal discussions. Both, we rise up and Facebook, will have links to each other.
París suggests that there is a need of coordination in “We.riseup” between the Assembly and the working groups. This coordination will have as an aim a better communication and autonomy. The communication team will study the possibilities and will bring the best possibility for the next assembly.
As soon as the Facebook group, Facebook page and the rise up platform is working, we can give some information in the info point.

Occupy Vienna will not be used by global spring Vienna. If someone in an individual manner wants to be in the group they can contact Olivier, Andrew or Osagie.

Another ways of getting known are discuss such as TV broadcast, but it is consider by the Assembly that this can be done in a later stage.

Also there is the possibility of having a free domain offer by Santiago. The assembly discusses and decides of having a webpage call “global spring Austria” and from there a delegation of Vienna. However this will be done after the assembly of the 30th of March depending of the impact of the Assembly.

There is an email address of global spring Vienna. The password is of public domain but this information will only be given at the Assembly or by phone.
The group in Innsbruck wants to work together and do actions with us.

3) Flyer, poster, printing and spreading
It has been already discussed in the previous point.

4) Wien Woche
It is an initiative that comes directly from the Green party. The assembly decides that do not want to work together with a specific political party, therefore the group does not participate as such and if individual people wants to participate they can directly contact Susan.

5) Connecting with other people

There was a discussion about the need of inviting people and groups for the Assembly of the 30th of March. After the groups´ participation in this assembly there will be the possibility of working together for the 12-15 May.

Agenda proposal for next meeting
It is decided that the next Assembly will be held on Amerlinghaus on Friday 23rd of March at 19:00. One representative of each working group should be in the Assembly at 18.30 or get in contact with the facilitation team to work for more dynamic assemblies.
1. Tour de table and organisation of the assembly (moderator, minutes taker, turns and agenda)
2. Presentation of tasks from the working groups:
– 30th March
– Info Point
– Facilitation
– Communication
3. Discussion of the Contents of the Info Point and Assembly 30th March
4. Infrastructure needs for the Assembly 30th March