If you have any FREE resources on the following topics, please add to this list! Emphasis is on models that are already being put into practice, and tools people can use to design their own systems. Book lists are great too!

PLEASE NOTE: The most updated version of this toolbox is available on our blog at bloominginspace.wordpress.com/free-reso.... (It was becoming too labor-intensive to keep both pages updated, because the pages use different codes.) The purpose of this space is so that anyone who is not a writer on the blog can contribute by adding resources to the list. Anything added here will then be added to the blog; you can also contribute by simply commenting on the blog. We are open to more writers there so let us know if you are interested!

Permaculture – Whole systems design that is regenerative rather than destructive, and is based on the careful observation of natural systems.

Food -sustainable food production (aquaculture, tempoculture, urban gardening, greenhouse design, mushroom growing, agroforestry), building local food systems, wild foraging, bioremediation, biochar, humanure

Water – finding a water source, pumping water, wells, gravity-fed water systems, water catchment, water purification

Fuel – heating and cooking (solar, wood-fired), sustainable biofuels, wind power, biomass gasification

Shelter & Space – building from earth-based and salvaged materials, land rights and access, squatting, collective ownership

Health – alternative health care models, tools for designing community health systems, mental health, herbalism/self-care, caring for people with special needs

Transforming Social Relationships – anti-oppression, nonviolent communication, consensus / group process, forming intentional communities, conflict resolution & transformative justice, teaching & learning for liberation

Sharing Resources – income-sharing, alternative economic models

Preparedness – multiple topic resource guides, peak oil & collapse, disaster relief, blueprints for the future

Networks & Movement-Building – other networks to tap into and tools for building social movements

…and anything else you would like to add!