
-List of self-identified income-sharing communities – From the Federation of Intentional Communities
-The Federation of Egalitarian Communities: features a “Systems and Structures” section, which is a compilation of policies from various income-sharing communities. They are freely available for people to peruse and use as they see fit, either modifying them to suit your group, or using them as a springboard for forming your own. Systems and Structures can be accessed from the FEC homepage
-ELAN - Equity-Linked Affinity Network – Packet from the FEC includes a section on different possible financial structures for community, including equity sharing, limited-equity cooperative and community land trust, and revolving loan fund.
-Gifting and Sharing – Living the Plenty Paradigm in Cohousing and Communal Society

Labor and Other Resource-Sharing

The Federation of Egalitarian Communities has several relevant model projects, including a Community Loan Fund and a Labor Exchange Program.


Really Really Free Markets! – Markets where nothing is for sale and everything is shared for free. Article and tips on how to start yr own from the CrimethInc online library.

Alternative Economic Models

- – Info about more local and democratic budgeting models, there are lots of cities already implementing this!

- – Local food-backed currency project in Mendocino County.