Existing Networks

-The Collective Autonomy Network (CAN) facilitates people participating in the movement to collectively take care of each other’s basic needs for a fulfilling life including Food, Shelter, Health, Resources, Information, and Community.
-The Anarchist Yellow Pages, an international directory of anti-authoritarian groups, publications and self-managed spaces.

-The Federation of Intentional Communities’ extensive, searchable database of intentional communities.
-The Northwest Intentional Communities Association
-Ecovillage Network of the Americas, the Western Hemisphere representative of the Global Ecovillage Network.
-The Federation of Egalitarian Communities, a union of egalitarian communities which have joined together in our common struggle to create a lifestyle based on equality, cooperation, and harmony with the earth.
-Directory of Catholic Worker Communities – Catholic Workers live a simple lifestyle in community, serve the poor (often by living alongside them), and resist war and social injustice. Lots of volunteer opportunities.
-Directory of vegetarian and vegan communities.

Tools for Building Networks & Movements

-Ning – Create your own social network for anything and get the address ______.ning.com

-Participatory Learning and Action – striving to promote the empowerment of historically marginalized peoples through participation in their own development, both in the processes of learning about their needs and opportunities, and in the action required to address them.
-The Ten Seed Technique – a tool to identify the priorities and situation realities of historically marginalized communities related to health, land use, etc. Practical for gathering qualitative information about the community you are working with. From Resource Centers for Participatory Learning and Action
-The Participatory Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Resource Portal has an extensive, free database of methodologies, tools, and resources (a lot of this is policy, management, NGO, “development” oriented, but there are also a lot of useful tools).
-The publication Participatory earning and Action back issues are available free as pdfs through their site.