Install and configure apache + passenger


sudo aptitude install make apache2-dev libapr1-dev libaprutil1-dev gcc

gem install passenger

sudo passenger-install-apache2-module

Install and configure sphix

tar -xvzf sphinx-2.0.4-release.tar.gz
cd sphinx-2.0.4-release
./configure -sysconfdir=/etc
sudo make install
cd ..

cd crabgrass-core/
vim config/sphinx.yml
rake ts:config RAILS_ENV=production
rake cg:site:create NAME=IRI RAILS_ENV=production

gem install chronic packet —no-ri —no-rdoc
script/backgroundrb start

rake ts:index RAILS_ENV=production
vim config/database.yml

rake ts:start RAILS_ENV=production

Install and configure capistrano

vim config/deploy.rb
gem install capistrano
cap production deploy

cap deploy:setup
cap deploy:check
cap deploy

cap deploy:setup

cap deploy:check

cap deploy

for some reason fails here:

failed: “sh -c ‘if home; then cd /home/julia/apps/crabgrass/shared/cached-copy && git fetch -q origin && git fetch —tags -q origin && git reset -q —hard 258fc756a517e3a65ff126a389afbf 91c0cf893b && git submodule -q init && for mod in `git submodule status | awk ’\\’‘{ print $2 }’\\‘’`; do git config -f .git/config submodule.${mod}.url `git config -f .gitmodules —get submodule.${mod}.url` && echo Synced $mod; done && git submodule -q sync && export GIT_RECURSIVE=$( ! \"`git --version`\" \\< \"git version 1.6.5\" && echo —recursive) && git submodule -q update —init $GIT_RECURSIVE && git clean -q -d -x -f; else git clone -q —depth 1 git:// /home/julia/apps/crabgrass/shared/cached-copy && cd /home/julia/apps/crabgrass/shared/cached-copy && git checkout -q -b deploy 258fc756a517e3a65ff126a389afbf 91c0cf893b && git submodule -q init && git submodule -q sync && export GIT_RECURSIVE=$( ! \"`git --version`\" \\< \"git version 1.6.5\" && echo —recursive) && git submodule -q update —init $GIT_RECURSIVE; fi’” on localhost