Greeting and introductory go-around

Summarize staffing roles


Main responsibilities of the greeters are to orient people to how things work at FR, help with purchases or paper work, and regulate the door to make sure everyone there understands open shop.

Mechanic Advisor

The main responsibilities are to provide guidance in a hands-off manner, encourage collaboration and help answer general bicycle questions.

Explain training structure

This orientation is an overview; you will learn most of the details through shadowing.

Greeter Training

Mechanic Advisor Training

Free Ride’s structure & the role of Staffer

Hand out the Membership Brochure as a visual reference for people to see the break-down of membership levels.

Free Ride is a collective structured with minimal hierarchy and the governing body is the collective council, which operates on consensus.

The council operates by consensus. Who has worked with consensus before? Discuss. Consensus is not only a voting method; it is a process for crafting ideas collaboratively. It is different, and sometimes difficult, but rewarding. Benefits are that it is respectful of all participants, often creates stronger decisions because there are no disgruntled minorities, and the process of crafting ideas together sometimes creates solutions no individual would have thought of alone.

Free Ride has monthly general meetings where members and council members attend. These meetings typically focus on Free Ride policy, report-backs of the sub-committees and are a good place to draw attention to issues that have come up.

Other Free Ride programs (Optional)

Summarize Free Ride programs so people have a better picture of the organization, if time permits.

Core volunteers at Free Ride are the staff!

Staffing responsibilities

The staffer is there to uphold a respectful culture in the shop for all users.

What’s next to become a staffer?

Pass around paper for people to put their email address

Any questions…?

Free Ride is great, it’s really rewarding, see you around the shop!

Follow-up Email

Use the example to send a follow-up email. Be as prompt as possible.

Volunteer Email List

If the email addresses work and do not bounce back, you can also add them to the volunteer email distribution list.