Updated page here

The link above will not go live until break free begins!

Planning for media or police observer roles at BreakFree PNW?

Before you upload unedited action footage to youtube, facebook, dropbox or other corporate servers, consider that video intended to document abuses by police could also be used in legal proceedings against folks risking arrest.

To get started, download the computer or smartphone app and come back to this page a few days before the action for instructions to complete the setup.

Who are we?

We’re an affinity group that formed to provide a place for folks to upload raw footage (video, audio, photos, documents) that only CLDC, supporting attorneys, and a handful of trusted tech folks will have access to. We’ll destroy any identifying metadata that could be used to link you to the files you share with us, and they will only be used for legal defense or proceedings against police or corporate security.

If you provide us contact information, we will share or delete files at your request.