In the past few years alone, big brands like Facebook, Google, and Equifax have proven unable to adequately protect their customers’ data. When an individual makes a purchase, registers for a website, or undertakes any number of activities online, they greatly broaden the attack vectors that a malicious actor may exploit to compromise their sensitive information.

It’s an unfortunate reality, and one that grows more troublesome when trends in IoT and interconnected devices are considered – in 2018, it was estimated that 2.5 quintillion bytes of datawere produced daily, a staggering figure that will only continue to rise as more and more information is collected and propagated by appliances, wearables and a myriad of other sensors.

The digital age promises a revolution in hundreds of industries, driven by advances in data collection and big data analysis of said information. However, it’s a revolution that’s currently brewing in a highly insecure infrastructure, which, if left unchecked, will have catastrophic consequences down the line,

By the year 2020, we will have more than 24 billion internet-connected devices which will be installed globally. Besides the 8.4 billion devices expected to be connected last year.

No doubt, IoT is loaded with many advantages; but when devices start collecting data, privacy and security become an issue – as the rate of connected devices is increasing, the rise in the occurrence of hacking and cyber crimes is also growing every day.

IoT and cybersecurity threats become a major trend; vendors, businesses, and individuals need to first understand the basic insight about IoT related to internet security.

Below, therefore, are basic things all business sectors must know about the Internet of things and internet security.

IoT and security challenges

Securing IoT devices has to turn into a serious concern for Government agencies, Tech firms, and individuals around the world. In fact, _Gartner put security___ at the top of its list of the top 10 IoT technologies for 2019.

“A problem well stated is a problem half solved – we will only be able to secure IoT devices by first knowing the security problems and challenges facing it, and look for ways to tackle it, says Nicholas Dutko of Auto Transport Quote Services.

Below is part of top security issues facing IoT devices:

Insecure web interface: Web interface is the interaction between a user and software running on a web server. The web interface built into IoT devices which allow a user to access the device could also allow hackers to gain unauthorized access to the device. whereas, the main security weak point that could lead to an insecure web interface includes weak default credentials, weak account lockout settings, account enumeration, and cross-site scripting (XSS).

Insufficient authentication or authorization: This is caused by poor authorization device, whereby the user is allowed to gain much access than normal. Security problems that could lead to this include, lack of two-factor authentication, lack of password complexity, and lack of role-based access control.

Lack of transport encryption: Lack of transport encryption could allow a thief to gain access easily when data is being exchanged with IoT devices in an unencrypted format. No wonder why some auto transport companies spend a lot on securing their data and to encrypt their services via the internet.

Insecure cloud interface: This usually happens when IoT devices use simple security credentials, such as passwords or account enumeration.

Basic insight to manage cybersecurity threats

To manage security devices effectively, individuals should make effort to protect their devices from malicious hackers by following some simple security procedures, IT developers also need to educate their users on the main facet of IoT security, and help vendors to understand ways to protect their devices from cybersecurity disaster.

Your IoT devices must be strong enough to identify a different behavioral pattern that represents a threat. It must also have the ability to identify all connected devices with the vulnerabilities they introduce, so it will be easy to deny any network coming as a threat.

Below are ways individuals and businesses can handle vulnerabilities and strengthening their IoT security from cyber disaster.

Change all default password

According to Mac McMillan, “16-character complex passwords can be cracked by a hacker in less than an hour.” Also, using the same password across multiple sites increases the potentials of stolen credentials.

Many times, system administrators did not usually put much attention to their default username and password, thinking they are generally unknown. Whereas, there is a website on the internet which are specifically there to provide the username and passwords for a lot of supplier product.

A simple but effective way to secure your devices from cyberattacks is to always reset default passwords, using an encrypted connection is generally a good cybersecurity rule that helps to reduce the risk of attack on your IoT devices.

Hide your Ip address

With the stage of insecurity in IoT, businesses will need to move beyond ordinary traditional network security, and start to monitor all network connections to protect their businesses from cyber-attacks.

An IP address is a unique internet ID for a user; it shows the user’s location and connects all various systems and networks together, ensuring that all information is transferred from one point to another.

Below are ways you can effectively safeguard your IP address and protect your devices from cyber attacks.


Using a virtual private network is one of the best ways to keep your IP address from cybercriminals. It transfers information through a secure channel, once a VPN channel detects a malicious threat, it will immediately change the connection and move to another server.

However, you can simply sign up for one of the several VPN providers online and set up your connection. Immediately after your system is activated, your real IP address will be protected and your system will be showing a different IP address through the VPN provider you’re using.

Tor Software

The Tor Browser is a free software program that protects you by bouncing your communication around a distributed network. It hides your IP address every time you go online anonymously. and prevent someone from watching your internet connection from learning what site you visit and also prevent the site you visit from knowing your physical location.