back to agenda and minutes overview

do interviews for a documentary about Indymedia

filmmaker is coming to the next meeting on the 5th. Generally people can imagine to participate, but want to hear more about the project. We want some Zapi type we are all Indymedia and no focus on individual faces kind of thing.

Proposal to adopt Bristol’s respect guideline – passed

Respect: Bristol indymedia is intended to represent the world we are striving to create, rather than the world we live in. A cornerstone of this principle is respect for others, therefore articles or comments that are abusive rather than relying on force of argument are not acceptable.

This needs to be included in the editorial guidelines on the workspace and on the site

feedback from network meeting

anarchist bookfair

D*I were offered a “recording space” at the bookfair. There were quite a few ideas what we could do with that, but then we had the idea to have a recording stall instead, next to the table. Basically a little soundproofed booth, that people can stop by at while browsing the tables.

Also there was a wish for other merch than DVDs, but also some wishes to not only see the bookfair as a commercial event. And we need more and newer DVDs, idea to send a mail-out to global indy and other video producers, asking them to submit their films.

So with D*I together we would need 2-3 tables, and we were not sure if we wanted a session slot. If we get one we need to decide what to do earlier so there is an exciting blurb in the programm.


We didn’t discuss most of the points on the agenda, but did talk about the facebook warning. We still want something to happen, a) fast: make it more prominent and b) we would love to get that fake tickbox thing.

The warning could easily be given more prominence by using the spybook pic:

invest in infrastructure:


upcoming events