Seems to be a golden mean virtue. Too much trust makes you gullible; too little makes you over-suspicious and cynical about others’ motives.

Trust also means to assume good intentions in others. Some people are always on the lookout for ulterior motives, and this makes them cynical about humanity and ultimately makes them doubt their own ability to be virtuous.

Distrust seems at first glance to be an overcorrection in the face of bad experiences, or maybe just bad luck in the experiences you’ve had. It also seems very contextual: healthy distrust in one context would be an unhealthy level of suspicion in another. The saga of “learning to trust again” when you’ve been hurt e.g. in romance is a common human tale. What does it consist of? How does someone who grew up in an abusive household learn trust if they never had an opportunity to place trust in someone trustworthy as a child?

Complementary virtues

Contrasting vices

Virtues possibly in tension

How to acquire or strengthen it


Notes and links

Mentioned elsewhere


Inspirational quotes