Assembly June 19th Protocol

Hi All,

I have tried to get a protocol from our last meeting on Sunday, but yet were not able to reach the person who wrote it. If anyone has got this protocol, would you please forward to me so I can spread to the group?

So I try to make a brief summery about the things we did and discussed, so everybody has an impression and can make some thoughts until tomorrow. As I was in the “internal Communication Group” please excuse if this is pointed out more detailed than the others.

- we tried to work out common points
- we built working groups that would work on these points

—> Internal Communication
- we’ll make a Website on which we can link to blog(s), Forum, News, Dates
- thinking about making google groups or different kind of mailing lists (but some had concerns about google, so we’ll maybe discuss that a little further on Wednesday and see what the rest of the groups’ impressions are
- we’ll need a name for domain (maybe you can think about suggestions

—> “Goal”
- we want keep the 15th of October in mind as a “day of action” (demonstration, camping, parade…)

—> external Communication
- how to promote the 15th of October and our meetings in between to other people
- how can we attract people to join our “movement” :)

—> Europakt
- what does it mean and conatain
- how does it affect people
- what are points, the Europakt affects people in Austria in special

So on Wednesday we will probably keep this working groups structure, everybody is invited to take part. Of course, we’ll start with, and go back to the whole group with our working outs and keep things open for everybody. We will also have to set up on how often we should meet, if working groups should set up own meetings in between as well and have a bigger “assembly” for all… Also in regards of the upcoming holidays.

Eventually just want to mention that a guy from the austrian Pirates Party is also interested in joining us, and he’ll possibly attend the meeting on Wednesday. However, if – he’s free from after 9pm only, but from experience :) I believe we will still be there for longer…

However I am looking forward to meet up!!
Cheers #15o

(PS please send me your questions, concerns, proposals… anytime!!!)


Ecological crisis
Mass media
Our(?) national agreements

direct democracy
ways of opression
no violence

Party system/government/hierarchy

Evolution or Revolution?
to camp
occupy banks
fight fascism
no conditions in Austria for a Revolution
Food Coops
Human needs or human believs (sic)
Let the other people talk
What about privatly owned central banks?
Economic systems
Wrong setting if the government
The historical danger to fall in a spiral of violence
170.000 flats empty in Austria
5% rise miete
Zivilgesellshaft (it seems to be written in “Civil gesechshaft” (sic))
Personal level
(Global) pacific insurrection
Economic structure
Go public, go personal
Not a movement, a phenomenon
to learn
Inform people
Making tradition
How to put an action after another
Study the facts
Move slowly
What about personal balance – meditation?
Just trying
New paradigms
Who(where) else would you get your …?
To transform is to understand what is! (Krishna Murti)
Risk of creating some kind of representatives
What about survaillance (sic)?
15 Okt
No border
Monetary system? FCD? ECB? Who are they? What means it?
Social cuts
Rent 5% up
Inform, movilize
Go public, go personal, go connecting, go slowly, go to OPEC, ONU, go anonymus
I can do it