3 Reasons You May Be Dealing with Low Motivation

Do you struggle with low motivation? While some people view this issue as nothing more than laziness, it’s a serious problem that can prevent you from reaching your full potential. Counseling for low motivation can be life-changing, helping you overcome obstacles preventing you from accomplishing big things. But before you can regain that motivational spark, you need to understand why these feelings affect you.

Here are a few common reasons why you might have low motivation.

The Absence of Purpose

For many people, motivation issues stem from a lack of clear purpose. Not everyone is lucky enough to know what they want to do with their lives at an early age. Some people struggle to find something rewarding. They hope to stumble upon an amazing opportunity one day. But in the meantime, they go with the flow and relish spontaneity.

Living in the moment has its perks, but not having a clear goal for your future can be demotivating. Instead of working toward an ambition, you go through the motions and do things that aren’t rewarding. Eventually, you lose motivation to reach for the stars.


Many people who seek counseling for low motivation appear like go-getters at face value. From the outside, they look put-together and ultra-motivated to succeed. But deep down, they may struggle with the need to focus on too many things at once.

You might do everything you can to progress when you have lofty goals. Instead of focusing on one thing, you try to do it all! Unfortunately, that can lead to burnout. It also causes you to lose motivation in everything you do. The pressure becomes too much, and you give up trying.

Mental Issues

A lack of motivation could be a byproduct of mental illness. It’s a common symptom of depression. When you become depressed, you lose all ability to feel happy and motivated. The things that used to be important to you are now unfulfilling, and you might struggle to find purpose in your life.

Mental illness affects your psychological and physical health in many ways, and removing all sense of motivation is just one of many possible symptoms.

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Alester Brown writes about physiotherapy. She advises people on health care, online therapy, anxiety discussion groups & depression message boards. You can find her thoughts at online counselor blog.